Monday, March 30, 2020

Day 2803: Free Time.

"Star": marker, junk mail collage, color postcard.

A step-by-step postcard.


Marker sketch, a pencil would be better.




Utilizing a marker, junk mail collage on heavy watercolor paper.
Permanent glue stick & brayer, 1 hour, 13 pieces.

Want music?


Click here for Marvin Gaye, I Want You.
then click back on this blog tab or here to listen as you browse, or not?

A lot of us have the idea that we need to be accomplishing something to make the most of our time, even if it’s time we only have because we literally can’t go anywhere or do anything else.

Suddenly, the files we’ve been meaning to organize, the photos we’ve been meaning to digitize, the plants we’ve been meaning to separate, and the reading lists we’ve been meaning to get to seem a little more pressing. I hope we can resist the lure of constant productivity which keeps us from enjoying the things we do. 
There are unseen stresses for everyone during times like these, 
and if all we want is to lie in a hammock and count 
our blessings, then by all means, we should do so.
 Free time can stay just that: Free.

A bright idea
Get ready to smile, or at least learn a lot about smiling. Yale University's massively popular "happiness" course, technically called "The Science of Well Being", is available to audit for free online! The course offers insights from psychology and neuroscience about what drives happiness, and then challenges students to experiment with behavior change exercises to help rewire the brain. It was a campus sensation and became available online about two years ago. Here's a quick lesson from course creator Laurie Santos: Happiness doesn't come from complex desires. "We miswant things. We think we need to change our life circumstances to become happier," she says. But "what plays a much bigger role are our simple practices, simple acts like making a social connection, or taking time for gratitude, or taking time to be in the present moment."

Smiles (10) for Monday ...

by Rachel Swanson


john said...

One hour, thirteen pieces! Magic happens! Have you ever thought of yourself as an artistic magician? :-)

jacki long said...

Not at all, but I think that would suit you.
I am hopeful to do more postcards today, pleural!
Stay safe John.

elenor said...

Marvelous step-by-step, Jacki! Thanks for showing und thanks also for the funny cartoons.
Stay healthy!

jacki long said...

Thank you Elenor, I plan to do more, but naps keep getting in the way. How are you all doing on the other side of the world?