Saturday, November 30, 2019

Day 2682: A tradition with an upgrade.

Joseph: photo, junk mail collage & digital

Want music?


Click here for Stevie Wonder, Do I Do.
then click back on this blog tab or here to listen as you browse, or not?

WonderWoman & I have had a tradition for Black Friday for years. 
It started years ago when the grandhunks were old enough 
to go with their Dad, Superman, to the LA Aunto Show.
We went early am to Fashion Island to shop, eat and play.
This year we improved on the tradition by adding C & C.
Friends for 40 years, we are a good group.
Carole picked me up at 7:30, as Cheryl picked up WW.

We met at Fashion Island before 8 am when the stores opened.

It had rained all night but stopped around 7 am.

Our first stop was Anthropology, where I shot samples ...

 ... of what I saw, for your shopping guide.
After, picture time in from of the amazing tree.

We visited a variety of stores and shops, 30%, 40% and 50% off!
Purchases were made, the evidential bags were spirited to the car.
We walked a lot, then took a tea & croissant break. 

WW shot this, she said I looked funny with all my crumbs.
WW had made reservations last week at R&D for 11:30.

There was a little more shopping & laughing, 
then someone suggested we go to nearby ...

Where they really decorate for the holidays.
They had strolling carollers ...

Rogers Gardens has room & room & rooms of holiday 
decorations but we spent our time with the beautiful plants.
 It was a lovely Black Friday
No pushing or shoving, a little hugging now and then. 
Small, doable crowds that got bigger as we left. A great day! 
Thank you, Cheryl and WW for another special day.

A smile for Saturday ...

Friday, November 29, 2019

Day 2681: Grateful, Blessed and a Challenge.

4 versions of the same doll: photo, junk mail collage & digital.
It's late, 11:31pm and I couldn't decide which version to use. 
If you tell me, by Saturday, I will go back & repost 1 winner?
They are number left to right, top row, then the bottom. 

A                   B
                                               C                    D

* If you have a preference, I'd love to hear from you? comment or email,

Want music?


Click here for Tevin Campbell, Tomorrow.
then click back on this blog tab or here to listen as you browse, or not?

 We were 14 this year, celebrating at the house on the hill.

 WonderWoman & Superman decorated the house for the holidays.

 They both arranged a wonderful assortment of fruits, nuts, dips,
olives, cheeses, crackers, and vegetables for us to enjoy.

Tarek brought his famous deviled eggs
 which were terrific & I forgot to photograph.

This preceeded the turkey, ham, green bean casserole, 
mashed potatoes, salad, rice, cheesecake, pumpkin pie, 
peach crap, and vanilla ice cream.
Of course, lots of photos.
Maddie & WW

GH#3, GH#2, Garrett, GH#1

GH#2 & Grandma, Zoey & Laker

me with WonderWoman

 And they took the ten-year challenge for the cousins ...

Maddie, Jordan, Zack, Jake & Logan, 2009
today, ten years later ...

 Jordan, Maddie,, Zack, Jake & Logan, 2019

You might be interested in this if your near and free this Sunday afternoon? The last time I went, I had the world's best grilled cheese sandwich and I will be looking for them again.

Grand Central Art Center                                   11- 5pm
125 N.  Broadway
Santa Ana, CA 92701
(714) 567- 7233

This show is free to attend as well as family AND dog-friendly! Furbabies need handmade goods, too!

Maybe I'll see you there?

A smile for Friday ...