Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Day 3889: Ultimate Gift and Posture.


"Unrest": ink, junk mail collage, digital.

 * PS Alert: My significant other (Mac Pro laptop) is still ill, and not himself. I am not able to format, so things are out of place.


Want music?


Click here: Tracy Chapman, Give Me One Reason click back on this blog here to listen while you browse, or not?


2GN2S ...

A chain of kindness

What would inspire a person to give up a healthy kidney to someone they've never met? Dr. Aleksandra Gmurczyk had several reasons. As a nephrologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, she wanted to educate her patients. Kidney disease is a taxing condition, sometimes requiring several days of dialysis a week. Yet Gmurczyk still saw some patients hesitate when given the opportunity for a kidney transplant. Then, of course, there was the chance to help save someone's life. Gmurczyk's decision to donate her kidney actually led to a chain reaction. It was a kidney-paired donation, which happens when a person is willing to donate a kidney to someone in their life who needs it, but they aren’t a good match, so they swap recipients with another donor. So Gmurczyk's kidney went to a woman named Ginger. Ginger's husband, Gary, was not a match for his wife, but for his part of the deal, he gave his kidney to another recipient. In the end, two lives were changed, and Gmurczyk has a story to tell her patients so they can feel more comfortable about changing theirs too.

Posture of the future. Just sayin'

A 4 minute video, dust buddieshere.

Just because ...
Bare-throated Bellbird


Smiles for Wednesday ...


                             Thanks for coming by today ...


Anonymous said...

Wishing you the colors of a Rainbow. 😉✌️❤️

elenor said...

Jacki, "Unrest" is the very best title for your fabulous collage. I think it are the colors that let me feel the unrest.

jacki long said...

Thank you, Anonymous!Wishing you the same. ;o)

jacki long said...

Thanks so much, Elenor. Yes, I agree the colors are causing a commotion?

john said...

Luscious choice of color. :-)