Monday, April 10, 2023

Day 3887: Muxes and messages.


"Constant Uncertainty": photo, collage, digital.

 * PS Alert: My significant other (Mac Pro laptop) is still ill, and not himself. I am not able to format correctly, so things are out of place,


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2GN2S ...

Unique beauties

Sometimes, good news can just be learning that someone exists. Harmeet Kaur wrote a fascinating look into the world of muxes, a group long recognized within the indigenous Zapotec people of Mexico that are often referred to as a third gender. A local legend goes like this: San Vicente Ferrer, the patron saint of Juchitán, was carrying three bags of seeds meant to be distributed around the world. The first contained male seeds, the second contained female seeds and a third bag contained a mixture of the two. But as San Vicente was passing through Juchitán, the third bag ruptured – and from it sprang the town’s famed community of muxes. Muxes are generally assigned male at birth but tend to present in typically feminine ways through their behaviors, clothing and occupations. Many are skilled in embroidery or other artisan crafts, or work as merchants in the markets that drive the region’s economy. Though they still face social challenges, they are sustained by their deep-rooted cultural origins. I love this quote, from Kristhal Aquino, a muxe activist: "I’ve always said if I was born again, I’d choose to be me.”


Message Boards


I saw this today on Facebook and it reminded me of a story. About 20+ years ago, we were driving in Brea, CA when I saw a house that looked so much like the one above. But it had a different message. The one I saw said, I love you Darlene. So, while driving, we discussed under which circumstances we could picture doing that? Maybe Darlene was sick? Or maybe she was depressed? Maybe they had had a fight? Maybe he was drunk? We'll never know but there is always a story, and this one surfaced today.

A great 2+ minute video, Mexico's giftedhere.

Just because ...


Smiles for Monday ...

"Explain to the child that art is simple 
like writing or singing. " Mark Rothko 



                             Thanks for coming by today ...





elenor said...

Jacki, I wonder what I would feel if my flat had been in this destroyed building. Lost hope, lost memories, lost future, ..... Your collage makes me thinking.

john said...

I can not even imagine life in the Ukraine except for the images we see from the war torn country. You exemplify the difficult times. :-)

jacki long said...

Yes, I agree Elenor. NONE of us can imagine the unwarranted invasion.