Saturday, April 16, 2022

Day 3527: Weary.



"Weary": ball point pen drawing


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2GN2S ...

I do. 
I admit it.

I love and collect textures.

So today I will put it to use ...

and share some eye candy with you.


So how many did you recognize?

Eye candy for Easter weekend?

A  sweet 5-minute video, 昆蟲Life秀-格格不入here.

Just because ...


Smiles for Saturday ...





                                                               Thanks for coming by today.



Carrol Wolf said...

Loved your drawing today! Also I want that knitted bunny and her baby: just too cute.

Happy Easter, Jacki.

elenor said...

What a wonderful collection of textures. I also love textures and I love all of your pictures. Jacki, you just inspired me to look for such motives more intensely.
Happy Easter!

jacki long said...

Hi Carrol, and thank you. I love to hear from you and I know you are always busy doing so much so well. I think the drawing was continuous line? or mostly, not sure, it's an old one. Yes, I love that bunny too! Happy Easter weekend.

jacki long said...

Thank you, dear Elenor.Yes, it is fun to collect texture or really any category that interests you. I have lots, probably too many and could use some editing? I know you are ahead so I hope you had a Happy, Happy Easter.