Friday, February 5, 2021

Day 3107: Not good at grief.



"Grief": acrylics, collage and digital.

Want music?

Click here for  Erik Satie, Gnossienne No. 1, 2, 3.
then click back on this blog tab here to listen as you browse, or not?


Recently, on Facebook, I had suggested a miracle, Mark Martinez was a fighter, in the best way. Eager to help everyone. The best father, husband, grandfather, karate yudansha, neighbor, friend, just the best.
There were hopeful signs and truly an army of people praying, sending healing energy and love. But, God took him home this morning, to be free from the debilitating Covid, the isolation from his family, and the long previous battle with cancer, which he conquered. We will miss him forever, and we will treasure our many memories. Rest in Peace, Mark Martinez with love, prayers of comfort for his terrific family.


Two years ago, we lost Dr. Byron Fenema, also a huge loss.  Byron was an exemplary black belt in so many ways, a friend, a mentor to many, a family man, and all with a terrific sense of humor.  To lose Mark today, has me picturing these two together again, both strong and healthy again and oh the laughter.

Rest in Peace, dear Byron and Mark. We miss you.




•  An sweet 2-minute video, Coping, here.
•  A helpful 6+minute video, Grief, here.


Thoughts for Friday ...










Thanks for coming by today.





john said...

Jacki, I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. The battles for life are so unfair sometimes and this is one of those times. Reach out if you need to. I am glad you have your art to be able to express your feelings. You did so with this piece. You are loved. :-)

marilyn said...

Sad to hear the news of your friend. Hugs to you and his family.
Take care.

jacki long said...

Thanks, John, you are so kind.

jacki long said...

Thanks so much, Marilyn.
Take good care of yourself and Mike.

Carol said...

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend, Mark. He sounds like he was a great guy. Such sadness for his family and friends. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. - AZ Carol

elenor said...

So sorry to her these sad news. The day before yesterday it seemed he would recover, but no ....My deepest condolences to you and his family.
Take care, dear Jacki.

jacki long said...

Thank you, AZ Carol, you are so kind and I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Take good care.

elenor said...

Carol, thank you for telling me about your family. It's so sad that your grandmother had to die so early. It's terrible to have to leave a little baby behind and to have to grow up without a mother. And as you tell even grandchildren feel this loss and never forget about it.
Sending you my kindest thoughts and wishes.

Mary McKay Schaffer said...

Jacki: I'm so sorry to hear this. You do the best tributes for loved ones. I save them for whenever the time comes. Thank you for keeping the lights on for all of us, for making me feel like there is a safe place in this world as long as you are here.
Love to you,

Jane I said...


Your Rose Kennedy quote is so to the point that I've kept it in a viewable
spot to keep it in mind.

Here's another appropriate quote to keep in mind after loosing a loved one.


Branmuffin said...

I've been catching up on a few days of blogs...really sorry to hear about Mark...he was an extremely nice man.