Sunday, June 7, 2020

Day 2872: Protection.

Protection": drawing, photo, acrylic & digital.

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Saturday morning. I woke at 8 am. No plans, same old same old.
A grey day outside, I feel cheated when it's like this but no rain.
After all the minimal stuff was done, I moved into the bedroom
to snuggle under a handmade throw. Thank you, Ann.
I found the 2015 French Open with Federer & my fav, Nadal.

I watched the entire five sets, 
even though I had watched it years ago. 
Every so often I would get deja vu, remembering a point. 
I admire both players, both are gentlemen 
& have respect for each other. 
I have no patience for the arrogant & boastful.

Both give maximum effort, giving a slight edge to Rafael, 

but then I am biased.

Need a hug?

'Skin hunger’ is a layman’s term for what, in research, 
is known as ‘affection deprivation’, which is associated 
with a range of psychological and even physical 
health detriments,” adds Kory Floyd, a professor of 
communication at the University of Arizona,
 who has written extensively on how a lack of tactile affection 
can be linked to stress, depression, loneliness and anxiety. 
“People who live alone are certainly more susceptible 
and, right now, I think it’s reasonable to argue 
that almost anyone is more susceptible than normal to 
the lack of touch and other forms of affectionate behavior.”

• A 4 min video on life and privilege, watch to end), here.

Smiles for Sunday ...


john said...

Now that is bundling up! Could you call that overprotection? :-)

jacki long said...

Yes, I think it would qualify for mummy status?
I often get carried away?

Carrol Wolf said...

The film was very heart rendering and well-worth the time it took to watch. However, I cannot call it up lifting. It sort of broke my heart. Stan has always maintained that some people start out at the batting box, while others start out already being on third base: same general idea.

Now I am going to paint because that always sooths my heart. (what is wrong with the way I spelled sooth? Silly spell check!)

elenor said...

Very touching blog. Thanks, Jacki!

jacki long said...

Thanks Carrol, I never know what each day willfeature. Sometimes I get lucky. I am so glad painting soothes you, that a gift + talent.

jacki long said...

Thanks, Elenor, it's really kind of random what shows up for the blog, you never know what you'll see?