Sunday, April 7, 2019

Day 2446: The power of tribute.

S&H: junk mail collage Fabriano card.

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I went to a memorial mass today in Redlands, CA.
My second memorial in six weeks. It was lovely.
Maybe not a word you associate with a funeral.
 I have heard people not go, saying they would instead, 
rather remember the person as they were. 
My response, if I had the nerve to say it, 
would be, it's not about you. 
It is about the family who survive, and to celebrate the life. 
When younger I don't think I had that perspective.
I am glad that I do now. I always feel good for going.
Today we paid tribute to Rollin Leo Barry, 89.


Father of Michelle and Mary ... 

their husbands ...

and Mary's children.

In their mourning, they planned the wonderful service, 
a second location reception and with terrific food. 
Amazing entertainment from Katie, a stellar violinist,
and sister Ellie, stunning vocalist, and a duo performance.

Carole, Ellie, Lisa and Katie
Their Grandma Carole and Mom, Lisa joined for the photo.
A slideshow showing Rollin from a baby to recent.
 You could tell he had a great life. 
Finally to return to Rollin's home to relax in the home where Michelle and Mary grew up (shown above) after 
such a special and meaningful day.

Puppy Update:
After the memorial activities, I did a little puppy sitting.
Zoey, now 1, had gone to doggy-daycare today.
(She loves it, and I will try to do a blog on it)
She was wiped out!

and Laker (now 8) sleeps a lot anyway.

It looked like a good idea to me too, 
but I needed to start on this blog.

Wishing you a lovely Sunday 
and thanks again for visiting.

A smile for Sunday ...

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