Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Day 3235: All in a day.


"Statement": junk mail collage.

 Want music?

Click here  Lionel Richie, Easy.
then click back on this blog tab or here to listen as you browse, or not?


 I am sitting in my studio, no tv, music, windows open, but listening to birds having their afternoon chatter. I am not a birder, though I'd be proud to be, but, I think it involves some knowledge? I do love all of nature. It's near sunset now, so there is a golden glow on the trees.

Back to the birds, I am hearing five different ones, I think. I am fascinated with the one that has a continuous syncopated, ongoing beat, like a background for the others. There is one that is a performance with a sweet, short melody, and another that adds staccato bursts. The others seem to differ, or maybe different birds. You can tell I don't know what I am talking about, right? Well, what else is new?

The painters are gone and after three days, I am loving having open windows. They power-washed, then masked all the windows and doors, before spray-painting. They certainly have a system worked out, and use their time well.

My yard is a mess. It looks like abandoned plants in need of a home. Stacked art sculptures and rusty tools, a misplaced, droopy umbrella, silent wind-chimes. Did you know wind-chimes are supposed to keep away evil spirits? I have so many, I am taking care of the whole neighborhood!

The painter took all of the tape and masking paper with them, except this. Can you see it? I think it looks like a necklace for my window? It is out of my reach, so I'll hope for a Grandhunk.




•  A great 4-3/4-minute video, magic pothole, here.

Just because ...
Adise Flycatcher



Smiles for Wednesday ...




                                                               Thanks for coming by today.




elenor said...

First, I love your collage. 4 pieces perfectly arranged by you make a masterpiece.
How funny that you mention you are listening to birds. I do too. Another thing we have in common. Sometimes when I wake up maybe half an hour before dawn I already can hear the blackbirds singing. Later the swallows start with their special whistle, which I particularly love. The swallows are heading to the south in autumn and when I can hear them again I know the dark and cold season is over and spring begins.
I'm so sorry you have to wait another 2 months to get your new shoulder which means still 2 months having pain. I hope you can sleep nevertheless.

john said...

Just the best boldness. :-)

jacki long said...

Thanks Elenor, we do have a lot in common. And for the shoulder, it is three months to go, Septemeber 23rd.

jacki long said...

Thanks John! For a shy person, my art doesn't seem to be?