Monday, June 14, 2021

Day 3219: I save pennies.



"OH": junk mail collage.


Want music?

Click here, Aretha Franklin, Until You Come Back to Me
then click back on this blog tab or here to listen as you browse, or not?


Do you pick up a penny?
I do and I did just recently, walking in to the grocery. It was a bright shinny one, glimmering against the asphalt.

I smiled, because to me it meant an angel was thinking of me. I don't remember where that idea came from, but I like it. In this day where to some, pennies are a nuisance,I wondered how many people would bother, or even see it?
I get on these random thoughts for this blog...
then I check google to make sure I'm not nuts!
And, I always learn something!

Today, the first thing I saw was this:
"A penny with the tails side up should be 
turned over for another person to find." 
I had never heard that! Head and tail sides? 
Mine, luckily had been head side up.

Many people believe if you find a penny it is good luck. Have you heard this common rhyme?
"Find a penny, pick it up. All day long, you'll have good luck."

Have you heard the phrase ... “a penny for your thoughts"? Or" a penny saved is a penny earned!"

my penny jar, 10" high

I save pennies.




•  A sweet 1-minute video, "Hallelujah"here.

Just because ...
Australian Ringneck


Smiles for Monday ...

                                                               Thanks for coming by today.



john said...

I spent some time with this piece after looking to see what the title was. I had a conversation with myself about the O….thinking that the O was the extent of the OH and then I discovered the H. I like the interaction that I had with this piece. :-)

Branmuffin said...

Speaking of pennies, have you seen this?

jacki long said...

Thanks John, I love it when you having fun . I so appreciate your coments. Thank you.

jacki long said...

Wow! Brandon, thanks for the link. She's crazy, what they will do for views?

elenor said...

Today the collage isn't a square but a rectangle with such a striking composition and color choice. I really love it.
But I also liked your story about picking up pennies. I also do it always and feel so lucky when I find one. Here we too have some phrases about this but they are hard to translate. Of course I asked Mr. Google. The best translation I found for the most popular phrase was,
whoever does not honor the small
(the penny - that would be our "Groschen")
is not worth the great
(that would be our "Schilling", which is also a coin but worth 100 times as much. But your dollar is already a bill). You see I also learned something - thanks to you.
And then I loved all smiles for Monday. What a wonderful blog again, Jacki!

jacki long said...

Thank you, Elenor. I am so happy when you like the blog. It encourages me and I thank you for that. Have a great day.