Saturday, October 19, 2019

Day 2640: Cursive or no cursive?

Coca-Cola Cursive: collage, photo & digital.

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Last week I gave Grandhunk #3 money (the preferred gift),
and a sweet letter for his 19th birthday. 
He opened it when we were alone and I noticed 
he stared at it along time. I had written in cursive. 
He said it was hard to read.
I had heard people talk about the end of cursive, 
but this was my first direct encounter with the results. 

I remember third grade and working repeatedly to get 
the Palmer method to come out of my pencil. 
It felt like an adult task and I was happy to work at it. 

"The new Common Core State Standards, 
a set of national benchmarks for American public schools, 
do not require students to learn cursive. As a result, states 
and districts are grappling with whether to teach this skill."

"The technology associated with this Computer Age has 
required adults and children alike to learn how to utilize various communication devices, to the exclusion of cursive writing."

My Zack finally got through the page and smiled.
He said he was going to keep it in his wallet.

I read: "E-mail messages are routinely deleted. 
Letters written in cursive are saved and cherished."

What do you think?

A smile for Saturday ...


john said...

Love the cursive addition to the digital collage. I assume you have seen the Uppercase magazine issue that just came out. :-)

Bea said...

Cursive is back in school for my granddaughter...

amy of studio four corners said...

yes, have had that response at work from younger associates who can't read cursive writing - how sad that its going by the wayside...I also get feedback from those same associates that I wear an analog watch!