Thursday, October 17, 2019

DAY 2638: Meals in Provence.

The Luberon Valley: photography

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Two weeks in Provence was truly magical.
Part of the magic was not having to think about meals. 
Each day our hosts, David and Liz Atkinson of Les Baccacs

and their two assistants, prepared wonderful local cuisine. 
Each day Liz provided three delicious meals created from recipes and ingredients of Provence. We sipped the local wines, devoured the fresh picked cherries and apricots and indulged in salads and entrees flavored with fresh herbs.  With 400+ photos, I am having trouble sorting the meals, so decided to give you my food photos.



David drove to a nearby bakery every morning at 7am to pick up fresh, still warm croissants and a variety of breads. Heavenly.

And from the local markets, aged cheeses and more.

And then there were the hand, homemade desserts.


Each evening David would introduce the  meal and inform us of our schedule for the following day, providing us with a bit of history and anecdote of the area or village he would transport us to.  There was no need to travel far, the surrounding area is inspiring
A perfect two weeks.

A smile for Thursday ...

1 comment:

john said...

More good food. :-)