Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Day 2637: Provence Manhole Covers?

Mary: photography

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Yes, Provence Manhole Covers. 
I took pictures of them, as I tend to do. 
And am sharing them with you as a break from scenery.

These are different from the ones I took in New York, here.

Way different that the ones Miss Megan sent me from Japan, here.

Manhole covers date back at least to the era of ancient Rome, which had sewer grates made of stone.

A manhole cover or maintenance hole cover is a removable plate forming the lid over the opening of a manhole, an opening large enough for a person to pass through, used as an access point for maintenance and other work on an underground utility or pipe.

It is designed to prevent anyone or anything from falling in, and to keep out unauthorized persons and material.

I find it interesting that they could all be the same, but they aren't.

Another part of my recent trip to Provence, France.

 I found a new or different kind of chain link!

A smile for Tuesday ...


jeriinpaso said...

I like manhole covers too. But I truly love Mary best!

Julie said...

Wow I didn't know manhole covers could be so unique!

john said...

Great texture images. :-)