Friday, January 26, 2024

Day 4169: Resilience and Lightbulb.



"Savagery": junk collage, inks, sandpaper ,


Want music?

    Click here: Eric Clapton, Change the World.



The resilience of the Japanese people in the face of a tumultuous start to 2024.It’s been a rough start to the new year for Japan as one disaster begets another. We are of course talking about the evolving situation at Haneda airport, as well as the Noto Peninsula. Our hearts go out to everyone affected but we also want to highlight the many heroes of the situation: the news reporters who calmly and accurately delivered life-saving information to victims of the earthquake, to the crew of commercial airliner who safely evacuated close to 400 passengers in a matter of minutes. Japan is prone to natural disaster, and it’s times like these that all the preparation and training that typically goes unnoticed and un-thanked, really shine. Japan should be proud.


Sample side-effect.


I stopped at the Ace hardware store, near me. It seems they have more staff then customers. But, maybe like me, their customers prefer a family owned, smaller, but well-stocked store to the gigantic warehouse with few helpers.

 I came for a replacement for the one bulb that went out of twelve bulbs in my bathroom. Considered fancy 25 years ago when my tiny condo was built. Now they are what WW would call dated, and have become hard to find.

I have bought the bulbs there before, so I knew where to look. They are pricey, but the bulbs last along time. They had 4 boxes, for clearance at $9, usually $18. So I picked up one, then another, and one more. Leaving one for someone who might be desperate?

When I got home, I replaced the dark bulb, and when I went to store the extra boxes, there was an already full box! This age of 82 has some interesting side effects?


A really special 7 minute video, lost sheep, here.
I hope you don't miss it, no words?
Just because ...

Subramanniyan Mani


Friday's Smiles ...  







Carrol Wolf said...

Jacki, you are right! The video is so beautifully done. It is definitely using the principle of less is more in the shapes and colors. But the story is such a lesson that we all should stop and think about. Sometimes I am apt to complain about having to tell my brother something four times and then he still asks again. But after seeing that, I realize that we all need to be kind, and caring and never stop, even when it costs us some of our own space.

I will show it to my grandson this afternoon.

For me, this was one of the best of your 4000+ blogs. The information of Japan and how they live life, taking what comes, but preparing as much as possible for it. That is also inspiring.

Big hugs

Lynn said...

You're right Jacki the lamb is the best!

elenor said...

Yesterday I watched your recommended video and got so absorbed that i forgot to write my intended comment. I love Mo Willems' work and I let my granddaughter watch the how to Draw the Pigeon. I'm sure she'll love it. Jacki, thanks for this tip.

john said...

Super textures. :-)

jacki long said...

Thanks Carrol, somweimes I get lucky, and finding that video was proof. Isn't it great how 7 minutes, no words can bring up emotion. I love that one so m uch.

jacki long said...

Thanks, Lynn, I'm glad you liked it too. ;o)

jacki long said...

Thanks Elenor, there are so many beautiful and meaningful offerings on the web, but it takes a lot of time to hunt and sort??

jacki long said...

Thanks, John, I do love texture.