Sunday, January 21, 2024

Day 4164: Rescue and a message.



"Dark skies": junk collage, digital.



Want music?


    Click here:Bill Withers, Ain't No Sunshine ...



A Loyal Companion

 A hiker on the Lanipo Trail in Kaimuki, Hawaii, called 911 after seeing an unaccompanied dog barking at the edge of a steep slope. After getting the dog to safety, rescuers noticed something else — a bag filled with personal items about 70 feet below where the dog was found. Responders on the ground who were caring for the dog found a name and contact information for its owner on its collar. When their call went unanswered, local police performed a welfare check and found no one was home, indicating something was wrong. Sure enough, further down the slope underneath thick foliage, rescuers found a 35-year-old woman — the owner of the dog that provided some loyal lung power — who had taken a fall during a hike. The crew loaded her onto a rescue stretcher and airlifted her to safety.

Read the whole story here.


I hesitated  whether to post this message, or not? I woke up this morning to this message from WonderWoman. She said ...

"Jordan got this message yesterday." ❤️

I messaged WW that I cried while reading. I had hesitated because it's kinda personal, but it is so positive. And I think the people who take the time to write a message are a higher grade of human than some of us.



A 1+ minute video, sorting mail, here.
Just because ...

Wilson's Warbler


Sunday's Smiles ...  









elenor said...

Found this in the www quite some time ago:

Happiness is
when you realize
that your kids
have turned out to be good people.

You can be so proud, Jacki! Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us.

john said...

I love this piece. It is a landscape with real emotion….dark and strong. :-)

jacki long said...

Thanks, Elenor. Yes, so proud of their whole family.

jacki long said...

Thanks John, I used it mainly for the skies and then took down the brightness.