Sunday, January 14, 2024

Day 4157: Austria's Winter and Mom's horse.



"Mother's worry": junk collage, inks, digital.


Want music?


    Click here: O'Jay's, Forever Mine.        



Beautiful photos from Austria.


Artist and good friend, Elenor from Austria has graced us with some recent photos. I think you'll see her artistry in her photo selections? Here's from Elenor ...
All days of this week were frosty. Luckily there was some snowfall before it got that cold. And when the sun was shining beautifully we made a wonderful walk. Because of the icy wind the 17,6 F felt like 8,6 F. I thought you might enjoy some pics. Kind greetings from winterly Austria


                                      Thank you, Elenor!


Mom's horse.

 When I was eleven, I attended Flintridge Sacred Heart Academya Catholic, Dominican, college-preparatory all girls boarding school, situated on top of a mountain in La Canada Flintridge. That year my mother married a prominent Australian racehorse trainer. We left for Australia and a really different life. After four years in boarding school and no pets, though I did have horseback riding lessons for a while. Once we were in Australia, I had 1 cat, 2 dogs (Labrador and a Cocker spaniel), a magpie (crow), a pony, a cockatoo, and later a retired racehorse. Heaven. I found this picture of my mother's steeplechase horse, Summer Flower,  and lots of good memories from Australia.

So, as I continue to try to purge through my years of stuff, I will occasionally share a memory that distracted me for a while, and it doesn't take much to do that.


A 5  minute video, Eklo, here.
Just because ...

African Pygmy Kingfisher


Sunday's Smiles ...  









elenor said...

Thanks for sharing my poor pics, Jacki. I feel so honored. It will be frosty all over the next week. But that's what winter should be like.
Have a good week ahead, Jacki!

elenor said...

Thanks for sharing your memories, Jacki. I wonder how you felt going away from the world you were used to. And from your dad.

jacki long said...

Thanks, Elenor. I was raised in a different time. We weren't asked if we'd like to, we just did what we were told. Actually, it was a wonderful experience, as was boarding school. My Dad wasn't happy about it, but he came to visit once during my four year stay and of course I wrote letters.

john said...

So much emotion in this face. :-)

jacki long said...

Thanks, John. You know I think of all the mother who have lost children in this monstrous war. I just kept adding worry lines.