Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Day 4166: Images and Enjoy the doing?



"Explosions": junk collage, digital.


Want music?



Click here:  Bill Withers,  Same Love ...



Snow dusts the face of Mumbai, a royal white tiger, at a zoo in Brugelette, Belgium. Check out more images of the week.  here

Can you just do something and enjoy the doing of it? We are so programmed to think we need to do things the "right" way or turn every creative whim into something perfect. If you could, next weekend, do something you're bad at but still enjoy doing. It's okay to do it badly. Create something completely unremarkable or even downright ugly. There! You did it. It doesn't matter if it's awful. You did it, and that's what matters. Do you agree?


A 1+ minute video, Husky escapes, here.
Husky escaping a pet shelter tries to free other dogs as well.

Just because ...

Hooded Pitta


Tuesday's Smiles ...  










elenor said...

Jacki, I agree. We nearly never give ourselves permission to do something just for the fun of it. It always has to be perfect, as you say and meaningful and it never should be a waste of anything especially a waste of time. When did we stop playing? Maybe at our age it's time to start again.
Happy playing, Jacki!

jacki long said...

Thank you ELENOR. I THINK I PLAY DAILY? Too bad we are world apart it would be fun to get together?

john said...

I am reminded of fall and the aspens. Lovely! :-)

jacki long said...

Thanks John, I appreciate your visiting.