Friday, January 12, 2024

Day 4155: Cardboard Sculptures:



"Enemies": junk collage, digital.





Want music?


    Click here: James Brown, I Feel Good.



I like to feature artists work, and especially if is something I haven't seen in the same way. Artist, friend, Carrol Wolf sent me these photos and his name. Warren King, American artist currently living in New York City.

Ongoing series capturing everyday people encountered in 
New York’s Chinatown, in a specific context of place and time.

Shaoxing Villagers  

Ongoing series of life-size figures, based on residents of the village in China where the artist's ancestors lived for many generations.

King Uses Cardboard To Create Sculptures 
That Reflect His Chinese Heritage



Imperial Portraits

Smaller scale figures (approximate 35" tall) exploring the cultural divide between the artist and his grandparents, inspired by traditional Chinese imperial portraits.

Instagram:  @wrnking
*Again, update was trumped by Warren King, back tomorrow.


A 3  minute video, ,here, Penguins of Madagaspar
Just because ...

Egyptian Plover

Friday's Smiles ... 











Carrol Wolf said...

Of course, I liked your blog. The graphic about perspective is so wise and so good. One of the HBAL artists actually did a dog sculpture out of cardboard. That was before the pandemic, and I'm certain that I saved it because it was so well-done, but I can't find it in my files. (What files?)

Always appreciate your art at the beginning, don't always mention it. Have a great weekend. Tonight is a grandchild sleepover: no sleep, but lots of fun!

elenor said...

Enemies - why can't we deal with this peacefully? It seems mankind has been learning nothing from history. That's so sad... But your artwork is excellent.
Nevertheless have a fine weekend, Jacki.

john said...

Amazing color choices. They really are strong for this piece. The sculptures are just fantastic! :-)

jacki long said...

Thank you, Carrol, Have you recovered from the sleepover yet? though I know you love every minute.I miss you, but love seeing your beautiful art work on FB when you post. I do remember that cardboard dog sculpture because it was the first cardboard sculpture I had ever seen?? There was a magnificent cardboard wall sculpture of a Coyote at the new Orange County Art Museum when it first opened. I mentioned it in a blog, so when it pops up I will send it to you. Stay warm?

jacki long said...

care, Elenor.Thank you, Elenor. Yes, sad times, but we must remember the positives. They are there, just harder to find. Take good

jacki long said...

Thanks, John. I do like the colors too, not usually on my radar? Someone said that anyone seeing my work would probably assume that it is by a man?