Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Day 3962: A harder test and a Lesson.


"Displaced": junk mail collage, china marker.

 Want music?

Click here: Johnny Gil, My, My, My

 click back on this blog here to listen while you browse, or not?


  • 2GN2S 
    You want still another test? 
    Well ... okay., if you insist.
    This is a hard one, but i9t is there.
    Can you find the mountain lion?

    *if you give up or want to check, answer is at the very bottom of this blog.

A short lesson about kindness and generosity: 

"I heard my mom asking our neighbor for some salt. We had salt at home so I asked her why she was asking. She told me, "They don't have much money and they sometimes ask us for things. So I asked for something small that wouldn't burden them. I want them to feel as if we needed them too. That way, it will be much easier for them to ask us for anything they need." 



A  -1 minute video,robot dog here.

Just because ...


Tuesday's Smiles ...




                             Thanks for coming by today ...


















elenor said...

Jacki, here is nothing I didn't really like in this blog. Looking at "Displaced" I really can feel this. Of course i couldn't find the mountain lion - I hardly can solve these tests.
The short lesson - brilliant. I never thought about this.
And all of today's smiles are great, especially this by Mark Twain. I saved it for me.
Thanks for creating such a wonderful blog, Jacki!

Anonymous said...

Found the kitty. I love the lesson. Have a great day!!!

jacki long said...

Thanks ELenor! Thank you for your kindness and support. I really appreciate you!

jacki long said...

Thanks Anonymous, I am flattered that you liked the post. ;o)