Monday, May 30, 2022

Day 3571: Remember.



"Remember": photograph.


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2GN2S ...

(*This is a requested repeat of Day 2368 in 2020)

The Dalai Lama got out of a Honda.

Just an ordinary beautiful Thursday. 
I am washing dishes and checking the neighborhood.
I find out a lot from that vantage point.
A Honda I didn't recognize pulled into a parking space in front.
As is my duty, I looked to see who was inside.
He took his time and I assumed it might be a lady.
Then, the Dalai Lama got out of the grey Honda.

He was dressed in his disguise attire.
A faded flowered shirt and baggy pants.
The kicker was he wore both a belt and suspenders.
He opened the car back door and got a file.
He clicked the remote and locked his car,
as he walked off to a nearby residence.
I just checked he's still there.
I'll respect his privacy.



Update ...

Hugs are good!  
I have taught all three grandsons when very young that  
a human needs 8 hugs a day to thrive, and, since I live alone, 
I am in need of many hugs. They have and still do greet 
me with hugs at first sight and continues to add more. 
We did n't hug in my family, or in boarding school and even 
as a young lady, so the importance came to me later in life. 
I have now made up for that deficiency. Even better, being
  sandwiched between loved ones in a group hug. I love, too, 
a hug that makes you feel like you can exhale deeply for the 
first time in a long time. Hugging strangers in celebration 
or in gratitude, even, feels like a special privilege.

A fun 4-minute video, tree hotelhere.

Just because ...


Smiles for Monday ...





                                                               Thanks for coming by today.




john said...

I love this photo. Black and whites rock!

elenor said...

Jacki, you are right (as always!), hugs are good. So it was one of the worst things when the Corona pandemic started that we were not allowed to shake hands, kiss or hug. It was such a relief that I could hug my children and grandchildren after being vaccinated. It was a sad time and I'm glad it's over and we can meet and hug again.

jacki long said...

Thank you, John! I loved this image when I saw it.

jacki long said...

Thanks, Elenor, Yes I agree. We humans need that touch. That's why it is so critica for babies to be help and have contact.

Jane I said...

Dear Jacki,
I haven't opened my computer for a while and as usual enjoyed all of your flow of mindful, upbeat, colorful, ideal, newsy, joyous, lovely deatails.
You are amazing and I feel honored to call you my friend.
Jane, the Ice lady.