Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Day 3559: Separation


"Separation": collage

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AWOW2S ... (a WOW to share)

Indian couple sue only son for not giving them grandchildren!

A couple in India are suing their son and daughter-in-law – for not giving them grandchildren after six years of marriage. Sadhana and Sanjeev Prasad, who live in Haridwar, a city in northern Uttarakhand state, filed a petition this month seeking 50 million Indian rupees (about $643,000) in damages from their son, 35, and his wife, 31.

In the petition, the couple claim they spent about 20 million Indian rupees (about $257,000) raising their son, who is an only child.  “They raised him, educated him, made him capable, made him a pilot – which was expensive,” said the couple’s legal representative, Arvind Srivastava, on Monday. According to the petition, the Prasads also bought a car for their son and daughter-in-law, and paid for their honeymoon.

“They see people in their neighborhood playing with their grandchildren and feel like they should also have one. So they said that in the next year, either give us a grandchild or give us compensation.”

It’s also sometimes a legal duty: parents can claim a monthly allowance from their adult children under a federal law that seeks to protect parents and senior citizens who may not be able to take care of themselves. A number of related cases have made headlines in India in recent years, such as a family dispute over monthly allowances in 2020 that culminated in a Supreme Court judge telling the sons involved, “Don’t forget, you are everything because of (your father).”


 Update ...

As is often the case, the above story brought up a memory. When WonderWoman's Dad and I wanted to get married the summer before our senior year in college, my Dad was concerned that I might get pregnant and not graduate. Of course we both graduated and no baby on the horizon. We immediately started on our masters as we started our teaching careers. It wasn't too many years before we fielded questions as to when we might have a baby? We moved to California and taught for eight more years. Baby WonderWoman appeared ten years after we married.

Just think, we could have been sued and paid compensation?

An amazing 1+minute video, Super Grad gifthere.

Snapchat CEO and co-founder Evan Spiegel and his wife Miranda Kerr made donations to repay student loans for the newest graduates of Otis College of Art and Design. The couple were invited as keynote speakers and awarded with honorary degrees from the school.

Just because ...
Crested Finchbill


Smiles for Wednesday ...






                                                               Thanks for coming by today.




Carrol Wolf said...

How do you find all this wonderful info to jump start our mornings. SO appreciative of being your friend, Jacki.

jacki long said...

Thanks, Carrol! I feel blessed and lucky to have you in my life! The blog has turned into a 2 hour daily time investment, but it makes me accountable which I hope is keeping my wheels working? Hunting positives seems to be getting harder with shootings, was, plagues etc. They get in my way! ;o)

elenor said...

Jacki, your collage is ingenious! Just a few pieces tell everything.
Hunting for positives might getting harder but it is worth it. During the first lock down 2 years ago we started to take walks nearly daily. Focusing on beautiful things worth photographing helped me to stay sane. Beauty, goodness, truth, all positives might save our souls and maybe the world? So let's go on hunting for it.

john said...

I love that just a few elements creates a powerful collage. Way to go! :-)

jacki long said...

Thank you Elenor, for you always kind words, yes, we must continue.

jacki long said...

Thanks John, it is so easy to use a lot, but for me, it takes awareness to stop at a few?