Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Day 3433: Happy Humpday!


"Janis": photo, collage and digital.


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I returned to the dojo today, and survived. I did find out that my muscle memory was working when I was working with others. I did 22 kata, most had a rough start but once I got going it came back.

  I am a happy camper. I have PT again tomorrow then hope to come again Thursday for day class.

2GN2S ...

Once upon a time, a Mom named Luisa ... 
brought her 7 year old son, Michael to learn karate.
A precocious, smart, creative Harry Potter look alike.


It was a good fit & a fun addition to our jr. class.

During training, Michael had what I called a lazy draw-hand that hung down, like an ape! After repeated reminders ...I nicknamed him Apeman, a name he still treasures. 

At age 11 his family moved and we lost Apeman, for awhile. When 16 and able to drive, he returned to our dojo.

A CSF graduate in Japanese, author of "Haiku by Maiku", ni-dan in karate, ni-dan in batto, shodan in kobudo, taiko drummer, business man and happy cat owner.

Otanjōbiomedetō gozaimasu, Apeman!

(Happy 36th birthday Michael) 


Interesting Facts

 The population of the earth is around 7 million. For most people, that is a large figure. However if we condensed7.8 billion into 100 persons, the resulting analysis is much easier to comprehend.

Out of 100 :

11 are in Europe,  5 are in North America

9 are in South America, 15 are in Africa

60 are in Asia


49 live in the countryside

51 live in cities


75 have mobile phones

25 do not 


30 have internet access

70 have no availability to go online


7 received University education

93 did not attend college. 

83 can read

17 are illiterate


33 are Christians

22 are Muslims

14 re Hindus

7 are Buddhists

12 are other religions

12 have no religious beliefs


27 live less than 14 years

66 died between 15 and 64 years of age.

8 are 65 and over 

If you have your own home,
Eat full meals and drink clean water,
Have a mobile phone,
Can surf the internet, and have gone to college,
You are in the minuscule, privileged lot 

of less than 7%.


A cute 4-minute video, Thatching eggshere.

Just because ...
Taiwan Blue Magpie


Smiles for Wednesday ...






                                                               Thanks for coming by today.



john said...

Janis as in Janis Joplin? Love it! :-)

elenor said...

How great that you could start with your training again. I guess you feel much better, younger, more motivated and positiv and the sun is shining brighter.
Being aware that I am one of the 7% privileged people lets me feel more grateful than ever knowing I really must not complain about anything. Jacki, thanks for reminding!

jacki long said...

Thanks, John, Yes, that's her. Best smile ever?

jacki long said...

Thanks Elenor, yes so happy to be back. Tired of beong grouchy for two years because I couldn't.Yes, we are so very blessed.