Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Day 3270: Made my day.



"Katrina": old photo, collage & digital.



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Click here for Trevor Campbell, Tomorrow.
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 What made my day today?

It could have been a call from WonderWoman, which is always fun. Then another call came in. I told WW it was Grandhunk #3, so she said she would hang up so I could talk to him. Then he asked how I was, I did the same and he said he was outside of some old ladies door! I levitated and went to the door for a long hug. He was on his way home from work and stopped by. He was tired but he stayed an hour and a half during which we talked and watched some Olympic water polo, I showed him my shoulder PT exercises. Ten that I do 20 of each, three times a day. I told him which ones were the hardest and that I dreaded the most. He borrowed a pencil and wrote ...


We talked some more, he took out my trash. A simple, sweet time. I saw him off till he was out of sight. An hour later, I was still smiling.


Grandhunks # 2, 3, & 1.

Grandhunks make me smile.





•  A wow 19-minute video, pronounced dead, here.

Just because ...
Plate-billed MountainToucan



Smiles for Wednesday ...




                                                               Thanks for coming by today.




elenor said...

So glad you had some good time with your Grandhunk#3. All three are so kind and caring. Feeling so loved makes everything easier to bear - even a painful shoulder. Good advise he gave you. I'm sure you knew it before but now you can read it and think of it - and him each time you do your exercises.

john said...

I love how you incorporated a feminine background with the portrait. :-)

jacki long said...

Thanks, Elenor. Yes, all grandma's know the smiles that they give us, right?

jacki long said...

Thanks John, it was trying to help without damaging the feel of the original?