Thursday, May 4, 2023

Day 3912: Drones and Cranes.


"Divided"; junk mail collage, digital.


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              Click here: Hiroshima, One Wish 

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2GN2S ...

New Perspective on the Art of Ballet

Photographer Brad Walls is known for his artistic 
use of drones. And in his new series, he's using the technology to produce work that turns traditional ballet photography upside down. While most ballet photography focuses on a single dancer, Walls wanted to highlight the teamwork that goes into this art form. To do so, he collaborated with six dancers.


For more information and photos, click here.

I am late, as I had no Wi-fi last night and until Grandhunk #1 stopped by at 3 pm today and fixed it in what seemed like nano second. Now I am trying to catch up. I love my techie.

I tried to hide, but GH#1 is too fast with his phone. No make-up, hairs a mess and capital TIRED. I have sort of an excuse? I have been working on stringing tsuru (Japanese cranes made from origami). More important is that Demura Sensei took the time to make each one, see video below. In Japan, the crane is considered to be a mystical animal believed to live for a thousand yearsAn ancient Japanese legend claimed that anyone who folded 1,000 paper cranes would be granted either a lifetime of happiness and good luck, or one wish.

And, to honor Demura Sensei we are stringing a minimum of 1000 cranes that Sensei's took the time to fold and give away. Many are helping, and I wanted to help also. I got a cardboard box full of his cranes... 

Wednesday I started, plopped on the couch and thought I would string maybe a few hundred. I didn't make it that far but I did get a 4 foot string. Friday morning I resumed my task only nothing worked right. Poor coordination in my arthritic hands, made fine work a joke. I took photos ...

Can you imagine working with a 12' heavy thread, poking holes in paper cranes? Thursday after three hours of tangles, even my GH#1 said "you can't do it" Grandma, and even though I don't like that phrase, he was right.  I would need to message Mei.

There are many ladies working on this project. Some have done over 2,000 tsuru/cranes.  I messaged Mei and she was very kind. Actually I had been picturing her flying through this, Mei is a fine jewelry maker and works with delicate beads, she's young and good at everything!

<-Mei's tsuru

Throwback Thursday
Demura Sensei's Jr. Over night training
Santa Ana Honbu Dojo, 1980

A great 1+minute video, Sensei's 5000 craneshere.

Just because ...
Snowy Egret


Smiles for Thursday ...

                             Thanks for coming by today ...



elenor said...

Again such a lovely blog. Thanks, Jacki.
Have a wonderful weekend!

jacki long said...

Thank you, Elenor. I so appreciate you!
Have a great weekend!

john said...

The depth you achieved with so much layering. Just Perfect! :-)

jacki long said...

Thank you, John! This one has digital work on a junk mail collage.