Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Day 3910: At 85 and Dad.

"Restriction": photo, collage, digital

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A New Venture at 85

… the great Judy Blume, a beloved children’s author who, at 85, is finally bringing one of her most celebrated (and often-banned) books to the screen. Upon the release of the film adaptation of “Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret,” CNN’s Harmeet Kaur spoke to some of Blume’s fans about the significance and staying power of Blume’s work. For many young readers, her books were an introduction to the confusing world of adolescence and puberty. She treated thorny topics from menstruation to sexuality with sensitivity, candor and winking humor. “I felt adults kept secrets from the kids," Blume says in the documentary "Judy Blume Forever." "I hated those secrets." And so she’s kept none from her young readers. The YA author Pip Harry, who devoured “Margaret” in one sitting as a child and recently revisited the book with her daughter, told CNN that Blume had an uncanny ability to “just put it on the page when a lot of people were not.” That honesty has appealed to generations of readers — and now, generations of filmgoers.

Another Dad Story ...
Dad had a tiny house before tiny houses came into the vernacular. Dad was thrifty, frugal, prudent, closefisted & penny-pinching. All of those. In fairness, he grew up during the depression. He was a single man after the divorce when I was 5.
So he didn't need much, or have much.
He lived alone in a 550 sq.ft.1940's California bungalow in Hollywood, close to the studios where he worked..

It was all he needed until I moved in at age 15. Lucky for me, he gave me his only bedroom & we shared the only closet.
There was a pull-down Murphy bed at one end of the living room. It stayed pulled down for the three years till I left for college. I had $5 a week for bus fare to John Marshall High School. I would walk the 4 miles half the time & save the money.
I was only allowed to drive my Dad's VW 
to go to the laundromat weekly. I would put the laundry in, and then drive around the Los Feliz area looking at the beautiful homes. I would come back and put the wet laundry in the dryer ... and return to driving the neighborhood.

A great 1+minute video,  baby Golden Eaglehere.
 This golden eagle nestling is doing his best to scare off the researchers studying him. His commitment to staying still and that adorably silly expression
Just because ...


Smiles for Tuesday ...


                             Thanks for coming by today ...




elenor said...

No, not TMI, Jacki. I always love to read your memories from a time long gone (I hope that's not impolite?) when many thing were so different to nowadays.

jacki long said...

Thank you, Elenor. Yes, things change so fast, technology is boundless?

john said...

I am reminded of the green flash when the sun disappears on the horizon. I saw it last night. Amazing! :-)

jacki long said...

Thanks, John. It's funny what triggers memories, isn't it??