Monday, November 22, 2021

Day 3381: Enho sings?


"Peggy": ink drawing, acrylics, collage & digital.



Want music?

Click here for Enho (Sumo Maegashira), sings.
then click back on this blog tab or here to listen as you browse, or not?


2GN2S ...


Safe trails

There are two words every Boy Scout knows: Be Prepared. Twelve-year-old Scout David King was the pure embodiment of that motto when he and his mom Christine came across a couple in distress during a hike in Kailua, Hawaii. The couple was lost, out of water, their 100-pound dog Smokey had cut up his paws and was unable to walk, and darkness was fast approaching. David and Christine shared their water and brainstormed a way to get everyone out. 

Like the model Boy Scout he is, David saved the day by building a stretcher out of some large branches and t-shirts to carry the dog, a skill he learned from his brother while getting his First Aid merit badge. After a lot of coaxing, an understandably confused Smokey settled into the stretcher, and the group was able to make it to safety.

David said to make sure to be prepared before you go on a hike. He believes everyone should at least have what the Boy Scouts call the basic 10 essentials: a pocket knife, a first aid kit, extra clothing, rain gear, a flashlight, extra food, extra water, fire starting essentials, sunscreen, and a map of the area (preferably with a compass).
"Always listen to instructions and what you are learning in class," David added.

 Don't you love a feel-good story?



A sweet  6-minute video, sweet cocoon, here.

Just because ...
Buff-laced Bantam


Smiles for Monday ...




                                                               Thanks for coming by today.



Libby Williamson said...

What a great rescue! The stretcher made from sticks and tee shirts is brilliant. The Boy
Scouts saved the day!

elenor said...

Peggy is such a pretty girl. i like everything about her.
Your feel-good story brightens my evening. It's good to hear good news at the end of the day.
How about your shoulder? I hope you are without pain.

jacki long said...

Thanks, Libby! So good to hear from you. Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!!

jacki long said...

Thanks, Elenor! You are al;ways so kind. I am glad you liked the feel good story. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

john said...

Just spectacular! I love the blue. It is electrifying! The face is so angelic. :-)

jacki long said...

Thank you, John. I like the simplicity?