Sunday, June 23, 2024

Day 4319: Embroidered Snacks, Ponzu, Kittens.


"Struggle": junk mail collage.


Want music?



Click : Aretha Franklin, Ooh Baby, Baby.





Embroidered Snacks and Food 

In the ongoing series Embroidered OrdinariesAlicja Kozlowska translates the mass production of Pop Art into tightly stitched sculptures. The Polish artist sews packages of Oreos and half-eaten cookies, rusted cans with peeled-back tops, and 12-packs of Coca-Cola at full scale, recreating the recognizable logos and designs of ubiquitous snacks and goods. Each work begins with a felted structure the artist covers in myriad knots and stitches, which produces textured iterations that reflect on consumerism and the lasting impacts of over-consumption.

Find more of the Embroidered Ordinaries sculptures on Kozlowska’s site, and keep an eye on her Instagram for upcoming additions.

A photo of an embroidered fish can

A photo of an embroidered coca cola pack

A photo of an embroidered lays bag

A photo of an embroidered banana peel

A photo of an embroidered Campbell's tomato soup can

A photo of an embroidered Lipton can

Four photo of embroidered snacks

A photo of an embroidered Lays bag

A photo of embroidered snacks

Wednesday, WonderWoman was in town. She and Alicia picked me up, then Ashli and we four went to Ponzu for lunch. A real treat!                                                                                                                                           Thank you Alicia!

No food photos, too busy talking, listening and eating. We went back to Ashli's beautiful home, to see the 3 young Siamese kittens.

Ashli funds the entire rescue. She has rescues, fosters and her own plus Molly the dog supervising. She's a non profit so any donations are a write it off. ( )


A 3+  minute video, Wing Case,  here
Just because ...
Scarlet Tanager



Sunday's Smiles ...  









elenor said...

Jacki, I love your excellent collage. Again, just a few pieces but not one more needed to create so much interest.
I learn so much reading your blog, Jacki. Today's artist is also new to me and as I love (traditional) embroidery I like what she makes.
Also today you have such good Sunday smiles. Thank you!

jacki long said...

Thank you again dear Elenor,I am so happy when the blog makes you happy, that is my goal. Have a wonderful, healthy week ahead!

Irene said...

Hello Jacki, I enjoyed visiting here this morning. You find the most interesting tidbits. The embroidery artist defies my imagination. The hours put into her marvelous pieces! I can't guess. Your collages continue to delight me. Im so glad you spent time with WW and friends this week and eat good food! Bye for now. xo Irene

john said...

So pleasant to the eye. Love the pop cans and all. :-)

jacki long said...

Thank you, Irene. It is a special treat to hear from you, I think about you so often. I know you can fit so much into your days. Be well and take good care, I miss you.

jacki long said...

Thank you, John. There is so much talent out there to feature.