Friday, June 7, 2024

Day 4303: Lichen Katydid and Beach Animals.



"Fright": junk collage, digital.



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Lichen Katydid and Beach Animals

Lichen Katydid

When looking up information on the baby seahorses I got side-tracked and fascinated with the katydid, and in particular, the Lichen Katydid. The fact that it was skeletal and see-through had me.

The Lichen Katydid (or Markia hystrix) represents a recently discovered new genus of the katydid. Just like all katydids, it remains a master of camouflage, 
resembling lichens or mosses found on tree bark or foliage. 

Sadly, it faces the threat of extinction, due to the continued devastation of its natural habitat. Found mainly in Mexico, Central America and South America, often in highlands. 1 min. video, here.

Another reason for my attraction, is being a fan of Jansen and his kinetic beach animals, so visually, to me, there is a connection.

Theo Jansen is a Dutch artist and kinetic sculptor. He builds large works which resemble skeletons of animals that are able to walk using the wind on the beaches of the Netherlands. His animated works are a fusion of art and engineering; Jansen says: "The walls between art and engineering exist only in our minds." He strives at equipping his creations with their own intelligence to manage avoiding obstacles, by changing their course when one is detected, such as the sea itself.  
You will need to see at least one of the videos to see and be amazed.
A 3 min. video, here. & a 4 min. video, here, & a 10 min. TED talk with Theo Jansen, here.

Artist and friend Lorraine once commented that she learns something from my blog (most days). I would add that I do too. I don't walk around with all this stuff in my head, but I am on the prowl for interesting anything to balance all the negative junk we hear and feel too often. And so, at 82, after 4,303 daily tries, it keeps me thinking and accountable, or as I often say, "it keeps me off the streets and I don't roll sailors anymore."


A 2  minute video,  Animaris umerus, here
Just because ...
Sand grouse



Friday's Smiles ...  











Carrol Wolf said...

Such an interesting blog, Jacki. I'm surprised you didn't get many comments. The etherial structure that moved and walked on the beach is amazing and I will definitely show my grandchildren. Thank you for working each day to delight us and boost our own creativity. Love!

jacki long said...

Thanks so, so much Carrol! Yes, everyone is so busy I realize it is difficult to stop and leave a message,
But I so thank you,it's funny how a few kind, well placed words and lift me up to do more. You will be able to find some really good videos about Theo Jansen, but there are also people who have used his work as a springboard. I love the concept of him giving his sculptures a brain?