Saturday, June 22, 2024

Day 4318: Site-Specific Installations, and Piglet and Pooh.


"Pressure": junk mail collage, ink, digital.


Want music?



Click : Queen Latifa, When You're Good to Mama





“Dancing in the Sky” (2024), installation view at Coachella in Indio, California

Born and raised in bustling London, Morag Myerscough has always been keenly attuned to the rhythms of urban life and the patterns of community. Through large-scale, vibrant installations around the world, the artist emphasizes joy, optimism, and a sense of belonging.

Myerscough often incorporates words that convey positive values and local pride into vividly hued affirmations. A large archway installed in Paris, part of the installation “Love Letters,” plays on the French motto “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité” —liberty, equality, fraternity—adding fundamental societal principles like dignity, hope, and justice. On an adjacent structure, phrases like “Sing,” “Play,” and “This is how I love my city” brighten up pedestrians’ routes.

“Love Letters” (2024), Paris

The artist was also recently commissioned to create an expansive kinetic structure for Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in April. “Dancing in the Sky” invited attendees to wander through a geometric forest of columns and spires, topped with contraptions that twirled in the wind. Myerscough’s immersive pieces follow her philosophy that “we make belonging,” welcoming visitors into playful encounters that provoke new ways of seeing their surroundings and thinking about togetherness, cooperation, and community.

Myerscough has recently completed a stage and seating installation connected to UEFA Euros 2024 in Munich, Germany, and is currently working on a permanent bus station structure in Leeds, U.K. She will also be releasing a line of jewelry in collaboration with Tatty Devine in the coming months. Explore more on the artist’s website, and follow Instagram for updates.

Details of “Love Letters”

Nighttime view of “Dancing in the Sky.”

Nighttime view of “Dancing in the Sky.”

“Dancing in the Sky.”

“(Leave) Space for Space” (2024), Amsterdam

Construction overview of “Nice to Meet You Again” (2024)

Details of “Nice to Meet You Again.”

Detail of “Nice to Meet You Again.”

Piglet and Pooh.

"Piglet?" said Pooh. 
"Yes?" said Piglet.
"I'm scared," said Pooh.
For a moment, there was silence.
"Would you like to talk about it?" asked Piglet, when Pooh didn't appear to be saying anything further.
"I'm just so scared," blurted out Pooh.
"So anxious. Because I don't feel like things are getting any better. If anything, I feel like they might be getting worse. People are angry, because they're so scared, and they're turning on one another, and there seems to be no clear plan out of here, and I worry about my friends and the people I love, and I wish SO much that I could give them all a hug, and oh, Piglet! I am so scared, and I cannot tell you how much I wish it wasn't so."
Piglet was thoughtful, as he looked out at the blue of the skies, peeping between the branches of the trees in the Hundred Acre Wood, and listened to his friend.
"I'm here," he said, simply. "I hear you, Pooh. And I'm here."
For a moment, Pooh was perplexed.
"But... aren't you going to tell me not to be so silly? That I should stop getting myself into a state and pull myself together? That it's hard for everyone right now?"
"No," said Piglet, quite decisively. "No, I am very much not going to do any of those things."
“But - " said Pooh.
"I can't change the world right now," continued Piglet. "And I am not going to patronise you with platitudes about how everything will be okay, because I don't know that.
"What I can do, though, Pooh, is that I can make sure that you know that I am here. And that I will always be here, to listen; and to support you; and for you to know that you are heard.
"I can't make those Anxious Feelings go away, not really.
"But I can promise you that, all the time I have breath left in my won't ever need to feel those Anxious Feelings alone."
And it was a strange thing, because even as Piglet said that, Pooh could feel some of those Anxious Feelings start to loosen their grip on him and could feel one or two of them start to slither away into the forest, cowed by his friend, who sat there stolidly next to him.

Pooh thought he had never been more grateful to have Piglet in his life. 


A  4+ minute video, 43 Grupo,  here
Just because ...

red-tailed hawk 


Saturday's Smiles ... 



VW ART by Ichwan Noir







elenor said...

Your blog is another total success, Jacki! I don't know how you can do it, I only can admire you.
I think there are lots of people out there who feel like Pooh. Each of them is lucky to have a friend like Piglet.
And how do you always find such wonderful smiles, Jacki? I saved some to pass them on (is that correct???).
Thank you and happy Sunday!

Carrol Wolf said...

So colorful, so joyful, so full of wisdom. Did you learn about all those things on your journey so far through this life? You give so much to others, and I thank you as one of those who receives all of this. :)

jacki long said...

Thank you dear Elenor! I love it when you like the blog, and yes, please feel free to pass on anything you like from the blog.Thanks again for your kind and thoughtful words that help boost me daily.

jacki long said...

Thank you Carrol, it is always wonderful to hear from you. Like Elenor above, your kind words help boost me when I am slipping. Thank you!

Irene said...

Hello Jacki, This is my favorite post. Simple, beautiful and poignant. Thank you, my friend. xo Irene

john said...

Simple is the best. :-)

jacki long said...

Thank you, Irene! I love it when you like it, as I value your judgements. Have a great healthy week, month etc.

jacki long said...

Thank you, John. Yes I agree, I do get carries away too easily! I'll work on it.