Monday, June 10, 2024

Day 4306: Tugboat Printshop, Make a list!



"Barriers": paper collage.


Want music?



Click : Lionel Richie, I'm Easy. 





Prints from Tugboat Printshop 

Reflecting Narcissus

For Valerie Lueth of Tugboat Printshop, the final piece is only one stage of the painstaking yet satisfying process of making woodblock prints. The works emerge from meticulous planning and carving of numerous blocks, which the Pittsburgh-based artist layers on top of one another to achieve a variety of colors, patterns, and striking contrasts.

One recent print “Reflecting Narcissus,” depicts five daffodils reflected in a pool of water. The composition references the Greek mythological character, Narcissus, whose beauty and youth were admired by everyone who looked upon him, even though he didn’t love anyone. That is, until he saw his own reflection in a pool and fell deeply for his image, pining away until he died and was transformed into a flower named for him.

“Reflecting Narcissus” woodblock in progress

Left: One color block for “Reflecting Narcissus.” Right: The first layer of the print

Pulling “Reflecting Narcissus” print

Lueth (previously) is known for creating detailed prints that call on the beauty of nature and folklore, and she revels in the process behind each work, which you can explore more in-depth on her website. She was recently featured in issue 25 of the printmaking magazine Pressing Matters and has two prints currently available for pre-order, including “Ladder Tree,” shown below. Follow Instagram for additional updates.

“Ladder Tree” block

Detail of “Ladder Tree” block

“Ladder Tree” in progress

My good friend, Val called. We commiserated about the things we both needed to get done, lack of energy, fatigue etc. When all of a sudden, in my best motherly, or teacher voice, I said "you need to make a list. Write down all of your ideas, don't edit, just write everything you can think of. Of course you do can't do them all, but that will get them out there. Then you can go through and decide what you want or need to do first, and rate them, as you can get to others eventually, if they still interest you."

It was quiet on the other end of the conversation for a minute, and meanwhile I was thinking, "Dang, I need to do that too!" Then I got a text ...



38 second video,  music/Animals, here
Just because ...

East African Crowned Crane



Monday's Smiles ...  










elenor said...

Jacki, I especially loved today's update.
Just a good idea let's us go on with new energy and hope. Everything seems doable and we feel refreshed and happy.
So never forget to make a list. That's perfect. Thanks!

jacki long said...

Thanks ELEnor, yes I think for me, lists are a must! ;o)