Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Day 4301: Artist, Terry Garrett, and Stamps.


"Grounded": junk mail collage


Want music?



Click : Corine Bailey Rae, Put Your Record On





I have a dear friend and outstanding artist, Terry Garrett. A package arrived from him yesterday and opening it was equal to any Christmas.

A while back, I sent Terry a red, folded 6x15" heavy cardboard from an advertising catalog that I had from my (Mom and no Pop) advertising days. (I wish I had thought ahead to photograph what he started with) In purging, I found it and knew Terry would do something great with it.

I was putting Terry's June artwork into the stand-up frame, and ;looked back at years of his beautiful months all the way back to 2915. Each month with its own artwork What a treasury. 

If you read this blog, you may remember me going to Las Vegas with artists Irene Rafael, Brian Kasstle, John ArbuckleTerry Garrett for a four day art retreat in a rented 5 bedroom home. Terry is especially skilled at 3-D work and he sent me a 5x5" folio ...

which opens up to 5x11" and then to 5X15"

... and the sections open up to a 2 page letter.

 So much time and work, I am a very lucky fan, and friend. 

      Thank you, Terry!

One advantage of the sorting, rearranging and purging, for me, is that I am finding things that I thought were lost?

Several years ago, Courtney gave me a really large selection of US stamps. They are all unused, new and older, but I had plans, still do. I used to do stamp people, but that was quite a few years ago.



A 2+  minute video, Dragonflys,  here
Just because ...
Eastern Bluebird



Wednesday's Smiles ...  







tgarrett said...

My dear Jacki- I am so happy you like what I sent. Thank you for sending the red pop-up- it was a very fun challenge. Sending you a big hug and lots of love.

marilyn said...

Mr. Garrett"s artwork is awesome. I remember your Stamp people. So fun.

Anonymous said...

love stamp people,Terry's work, horseshoes,oh heck,love it all

Anonymous said...

jeri wrote anonymous

elenor said...

You show so many great artworks by you and your friends, Jacki. Thanks for showing.

jacki long said...

Thanks Terry, I am glad you liked it.
I plan to use the houses for a later blog after I have got into it, probably do a step by step?
Everybody loves your amazing talent.

jacki long said...

Thanks Marilyn, I recently, during my snail-paced attempt to clean up my studio) when I did your logo.
I may use it in a future update? Love to you and Mike.

jacki long said...

Thank you, Anonymous, no initials?

jacki long said...

Thanks Jeri, it kinda sounded like you! ;o) I miss you!

jacki long said...

Thanks Elenor, I am glad you liked it.
I think maybe you never know what to expect??