Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Day 4308: Crystal Cove Offerings, Eastside Art.


"Injunctions": junk mail collage.


Want music?



Click : Player, Baby Come Back.





Crystal Cove Conservancy  Summer Programs for All Ages

Crystal Cove Conservancy is launching the 2024 summer season with a wide array of programs for all ages, from beach activities to trail adventures. Visitors can look forward to a mix of new and returning programs at Crystal Cove State Park, including extended dates for the popular “The Great Plein Air Art Experience,” now running through October.

This summer, dive into hands-on history and nature explorations, art classes, and conservation stewardship. The Conservancy’s summer programs will also be part of the third annual California State Parks Week, from June 12-16, 2024. There’s something for everyone to enjoy at Crystal Cove this summer!

For more information about summer programming at Crystal Cove and to register for upcoming programs, visit


Tuesday, June 11th = Eastside Art!

We were six members , missing Erin, our birthday girl and Josie! It is always better when we have all eight.

Happy Birthday, Erin!

As we were starting, Jake and his beautiful St. Bernard, 'BEAN" (140 pounds) came by on a walk. To say we were distracted is an under-statement.I tried to get a good shot for you, but Bean wasn't in the mood for paparazzi.

So, we got back to work at Linda's Red Vine Studio. She was teaching us to work with plain old ordinary cardboard, acrylics and patterns.  She made samples ...

Linda's Samples


Linda's cat

First: draw scribbles with marker on a random cardboard.

Then add random pattern on the painted surface. After pen work is completed, the outline is cut out, and layer cut from the scraps .

jacki's Grandhunk

Libby's sister!

Libby's close-up

Norma's cat

Jeri's animal trio

Jody had a really great house started, but she had an appointment and had to leave early and I didn't get a photo. Thank you Linda, for great teaching us a really fun project. Yea Linda!


A 2+  minute video, Yarn animation,  here
Just because ...
Crested Guinea Fowl



Wednesday's Smiles ...  









elenor said...

All the cardboard creatures are fabulous! I guess you had lots of fun.I would've loved to join you, Jacki.

jacki long said...

Yes, Elenor, it was fun and we would have enjoyed having you with us. It ia amazing what you can do with just cardboard and a special glue.