Friday, June 21, 2024

Day 4317: Trash and Found in Lisbon, and Lost Dog.



"Worn": junk mail collage, acrylics.



Want music?



Click : Christine Aguilera, Something Has a Hold




New Trash and Found Object Murals by ‘Bordalo II’ on the Streets of Lisbon

MAY 25, 2015



Artist Bordalo II (previously) uses old tires, bumpers, and other scraps of painted found trash to form towering 3D murals of animals on the streets of Lisbon, Portugal. Collected here are several pieces from the last few months, and you can see much more on Facebook.







Dog Lost then Found ...

A dog went missing last night and the owner was advised to put an item of clothing down at the area where it became lost (for the scent). Lots of people searched for the dog but to no avail. Then, first light this morning, the dog was found sitting on the owners coat that had been left. Good advice and maybe worth sharing?



A 1  minute video, Startled baby,  here
Just because ...
Western Bluebird



Friday's Smiles ...  










elenor said...

These murals are outstanding! I followed your link to see more and I'm impressed.
Happy weekend, Jacki!

jacki long said...

Thanks Elenor, I am so pleased that you enjoyed the silly blog.
Have a wonderful weekend. ;o)

john said...

I love anything that is looks like your work is pealing. :-)

jacki long said...

Thanks John, me too.Peeling anything is appealing to me.
Thanks again for commenting, I know you are always busy.