Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Day 4315: Masters Degree, and Elysia chlorotica.



"Fate": junk mail collage.



Want music?



Click : Don Ho & Hokou, Don't Forget 





Virginia Hislop receives a master’s degree at the age of 105.

Yesterday, at the age of 105, Virginia “Ginger” Hislop graduated from Stanford Graduate School of Education with her master’s degree. When she started on campus in 1936, her plan was to get her bachelor’s of education, which she did in 1940, and obtain her master’s of education so she could teach, starting directly after.
However, just after completing her coursework and before turning in her final thesis, her then-boyfriend George Hislop, ’41, a GSE student in Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), got called in to serve during World War II, prompting the pair to get married and Virginia Hislop to leave campus before graduating.
Now – 83 years after leaving campus and living in service to learning – Virginia Hislop returned to Stanford to finish what she started and receive her graduate degree. When she rose from her seat at the ceremony, donned in cap and gown, to walk across the stage and receive her master’s hood, the applause roared. She was handed her diploma and smiled for the cameras. Her grandkids waved and cheered. “My goodness,” she said. “I’ve waited a long time for this.”

I keep getting amazed by nature ...

Eastern Emerald Elysia (Elysia chlorotica) this green sea slug is the first animal known to produce chlorophyl and is able to undergo the process of photosynthesis thus appears to be part animal, part plant.



A 2+ minute videoTatsuo Horiuchi/Excel, here
Just because ...


 " Blaze and Scout", young Peregrine Falcons!



Wednesday's Smiles ...  








elenor said...

Looking so beautiful and receiving a master's degree at this age that's more than anyone could expect. And it gives so much hope for the coming years. Thanks for such good news, Jacki.
You are right, Jacki. The last weekend was such a happy time for my grandkids and me. All three of them were happy with my sewing machine and with the acrylics. They so enjoyed mixing them with a palette knife. It was fun spending time together and I can't wait for the next time to see them.

Lynn said...

Eastern Emerald Elysia mind blown!

john said...

I love black and whites. Total success! :-)

jacki long said...

Thanks, Elenor. I am sure they love being with you and creating more memories.

jacki long said...

Thank yo , Lynn! I am thrilled that you enjoyed Eastern Emerald Elysia.
You never know what you are going to get, right?

jacki long said...

Thank you, John.
I feel black and white is the easiest. Do you?