Saturday, August 5, 2023

Day 4009: Reading and Storytime


"Bleak":  junk mail collage

Want music?

    Click here:  Eric Clapton, Change the World


2GN2S ...

Gene Roddenberry, television screen-writer and creator of Star Trek, on the value of reading books: 

"I consider reading the greatest bargain in the world. A shelf of books is a shelf of many lives and ideas and imaginations which the reader can enjoy whenever he wishes and as often as he wishes. Instead of experiencing just one life, the book-lover can experience hundreds or even thousands of lives. He can live any kind of adventure in the world. Books are his time machine into the past and also into the future. Books are his "transporter" by which he can beam instantly to any part of the universe and explore what he finds there. Books are an instrument by which he can become any person for a while—a man, a woman, a child, a general, a farmer, a detective, a king, a doctor, anyone.


Great books are especially valuable because a great book often contains within its covers the wisdom of a man or woman's whole lifetime. But the true lover of books enjoys all kinds of books, even some nonsense now and then, because enjoying nonsense from others can teach us to also laugh at ourselves. A person who does not learn to laugh at his own problems and weaknesses and foolishness can never be a truly educated or a truly happy person. Also, probably the same thing could be said of a person who does not enjoy learning and growing all his life." 



Story time

There was a cute little girl in Karate class. Her name was Megan, but I often called her "Miss Megan" because she was unusually smart and correct. Actually, I had known her when she was in her Mom's tummy. Jean was at the dojo because Brandon, her son was in class. Well now, many years later, I will be going to a baby shower soon, to welcome her baby boy who will join us in September. 

Life goes round and round?

A great 4 minute video, artist Eric Carlehere.

Just because ...
Rose-breasted Grosbeak


Saturday's Smiles ...

                     Thanks for coming by today ...



Carrol Wolf said...

The story about reading is so true. I appreciate word smiths as much as I appreciate artists. I found the phrase about a person putting their life philosophy into a book to be something I had not thought of before: but so true in many cases.

I love the bird with the red heart on his chest, and the video on Eric Carle was wonderful: so inspiring, as is your collage work. Thank you Jacki, for so many wonderful moments over these many years.

elenor said...

I enjoyed the video on Eric Carle so much that I watched some more videos on him. My children had picture books by him which we all loved. I love his style. I also asked "google" about him to learn a bit about him.
Have a fine Sunday, Jacki!

jacki long said...

Thank you dear Carole, I love hearing from you. I also love it when you like it!;o)

jacki long said...

Thank Elenor! Yes, I enjoyed Eric Carle too, what a legacy.

john said...

Isn’t it amazing what one can create from the inside of envelopes. good show~ :-)

jacki long said...

Thanks, John. I may be a junk mail conisseur?