Monday, February 28, 2022

Day 3480: Bibliophile.



"Sunflower": altered photograph, crayon.


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Sounds familiar to me ...


Lorna Goldstrand Klefsaas didn't want her then 12-year-old son Sivert spending all of his time on social media. She'd raised three daughters who'd used the platforms so much that it was like a "depressant," she said. So she offered her son a deal: If he stayed off social media until his 18th birthday, she'd pay him $1,800That was in 2016. 

Today, Sivert is 18 – and $1,800 richer after successfully avoiding all things Twitter and TikTok (among many other platforms) over the last several years. Lorna's happy that her son didn't spend his middle and high school years staring at a screen, but Sivert said he didn't even think about it: "I wouldn't say there was ever a time where I thought I was about to break." He's planning to spend his winnings on some items for his college dorm room. Oh, and he's finally on social media now — the first app he joined was Instagram. 


 In a different era, at age 10, my Dad offered me a $100. payoff (an astronomical amount back then) eleven years later, if I wouldn't smoke before age 21. It seemed a no-brainer to me, as I didn't like the look or smell of it, so at 21 I did receive $100 from my Dad for not doing what I didn't want to do.       Win-win.


just recently completed, was great! Highly recommended. It grabs you in the first pages and doesn't let go even after the last page. I still think about it almost daily. I give it 5 stars.*

 But now, I am reading ...

To be honest, I didn't know the work when I bought the book? Anthropcene is just the current geologic age, but people may think I am smarted than I am when they see the title. I bought and first tried to get into this book before American Dirt. It was a no-go. Have you done that where you start and think not now? So it went on the shelf. But, when I finished American Dirt, I was in a vacuum and needed a book. This time, a go.

The fly-page says "In this remarkable symphony of essays, best-selling author John Green reviews different facets of the human-centered planet on a five-star scale*. That's a wordy but accurate take. I am highlighting again, as is my habit with good (in my opinion) writers. I'll share a couple ...

Each chapter is a different subject. Quirky, fun but I also learn along the way, and he finishes with his 5-star rating scale for the subject. I like it, you might too. To be fair, I am only on page 51, ready for the Velociraptors and more.
cool bookmark by fabric artist, Libby Williamson.

The end sheet of this hard bound book has cool paper, for those of us that enjoy mark-making.

Now, who else is going to show you a book's endsheet? Never know what you'll get here?


A wseet 6-minute video, Pre-heatedhere.

Just because ...
Spangled Coquette


Smiles for Monday ...






                                                               Thanks for coming by today.



Sam Zimmerman said...

Books <3 my one true love. The only thing better than a cool end page is a cool map (the fantasy books I read tend to have those)

Branmuffin said...

Sam, I agree, the maps are awesome add-ons!

Only difference for me is that I pretty much never touch an actual book these days. I use either my Kindle or the Kindle app on my phone. Very convenient and I find I read a lot more this way!

jacki long said...

Wow! How cool to hear from you Sam, I have been thinking about you and wanting to know that you got home safe. I am so flattered that you and Landyn invited me to breakfast, that was fun.I hope you had a good weekend? I did some granddog-sitting.

jacki long said...

Thanks Brandon, I hit the jackpot hearing from you two. WW has a kindle, and I can see the practicality, but I, being ancient, love real books, turning the pages, bookmarking, highlighting etc. which I realize you can do on kindle, but not the same. I do like the kindle feature where you can
see a definition so easily.

elenor said...

When I was a student my dream was to a have a library in my house. At least two walls full of books from the bottom to the ceiling. Now I don't have a house and I don't have a library. But I can say we have really lots of books in each room. Wonderful!
Today I really enjoyed the music you recommended. It reflects the mood I'm in today.
"Those pictures remind me that my kids are not just growing up but also growing away from me, running towards their own lives". How true is this is ....
Again it was a pleasure to visit your blog. Thanks, Jacki.

john said...

Sunflowers are a favorite of mine. I like how you used striations in this piece. Beautiful! :-)

jacki long said...

Thank you, Elenor. Yes, that quote rang true with me too. It looks like my daughter and son in law might be moving four hours away, so I will have to get used to the change. The Grandhunks will be staying as they are all in school, working and have girlfriends. So they and my friends are here.

jacki long said...

Thanks, John. I like sunflowers because they face the sun. When cloudy and no sun they turn and face each other. The scratchy lines were from altering the photo. Thanks again.