Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Day 4287: Historic Mosaic Tiles & naturalizers


"Vacant Areas" ; photo, collage, digital.



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Click : The Temptations, My Girl.





Historic Mosaic Tiles

 Taipei City Design Studio Is Recreating Historic Mosaic Tiles Found Throughout Taiwan

The Taipei City-based studio Pan Pan Hua is preserving local heritage by recreating the historic details unique to the region’s built environment. “Through years of research, we have found that the mosaic tile, once thriving in Taiwan, ceased production nearly half a century ago. Neither tile factories nor construction material suppliers offer similar products anymore, resulting in a gradual loss of Taiwan’s architectural identity,” a statement says.

After documenting dozens of examples around the country—find these on Flickr—designers created digital patterns and began to reproduce the colorful motifs. Handcrafted in small batches, the tiles are a labor-intensive ode to Taiwan’s vibrant history of design

Visit the Pan Pan Hua website for information on tiles, and you may want  to check out the studio’s Instagram, which is a trove of architectural gems.

A Repost of ...

 July 29, 2013   Day 368: The story of the disintegrating shoes!

It was a very early Wednesday morning.
I was dressing to fly to Indiana.
I had planned to wear a nice pair of black shoes.
But, I pulled down a box of black sandals ...

They looked brand new, but I didn't remember buying them?

Not as stylish as I had planned, but after trying them on
I decided they were a good choice for walking at Dallas Airport.
And that's how this story begins ...

As I boarded at Orange County, I noticed a loosening
on the left shoe, but dismissed it. 
I slept during the flight to Dallas ... 
but my shoes were hard at work!
As I deplaned, the shoe battle was escalating ...
and I didn't realize the extent of the war ahead.

On arriving in Dallas ...
the uppers had pulled away from the sole ...
and the sole cracked!

then the heel broke away!
So by the time I walked from terminal A gate 8, 
located and boarded the sky train, 
and walked to terminal C gate 37, 
I had been conquered by a pair of Naturalizer sandals!

I took these photos with my iphone as proof ... 
as I just knew none of you would believe me.
Next to me, a lovely octogenarian, Mary, in a wheelchair. 
Mary was clearly enjoying this layover entertainment.
Smart-aleck daughter texted to buy flip-flops ...
but C terminal didn't have duty-free shops, 
just the news & food shops.

God is good, so I had packed a pair of socks in my carry-on.
I put on socks and walked to drop the shoes in the trash.
A barefoot child passed me and I shuddered, 
realizing how close I came.

I called cousins Martha and John ...
 telling them my flight was delayed due to lightning.
And, that on arrival in Indianapolis ... 
I'd be the one at the curb in socks!

So as I sat in my window seat, in my socks, I decided ...
that I would just deal with it, act normal,
yeah, that was the plan.

postscript: I sent the blog to Naturalizer on the advice of cousin Sheryl, and I did get a refund. Also, three different people commented that they had a similar adventures with high priced rubber sole shoes!


A 4+  minute video, High Velocity,  here
Just because ...

American Questral


Wednesday's Smiles ...  









elenor said...

Jacki, I had to laugh reading your shoe-story. I had lost the heel of a shoe quite some time ago but I was still at home, so no problem.
But nevertheless good shoes are a blessing.

jacki long said...

Thanks Elenor. Iy wasn't fun or funny at the time, but it was when I wrote about it. ;o)