Thursday, May 30, 2024

Day 4295: Devil's Tover, Circle of Life.



"Confusion": acrylics, ink, china marker.



Want music?



Click : Ed Sheeran, Thinking Out Loud.





Devils Tower

Devils Tower: According to the Native American tribes of the Kiowa and Lakota, a group of girls went out to play and were spotted by several giant bears, who began to chase them. In an effort to escape the bears, the girls climbed atop a rock, fell to their knees, and prayed to the Great Spirit to save them. Hearing their prayers, the Great Spirit made the rock rise from the ground towards the heavens so that the bears could not reach the girls. The bears, in an effort to climb the rock, left deep claw marks in the sides, which had become too steep to climb. Those are the marks which appear today on the sides of Devils Tower. When the girls reached the sky, they were turned into the stars of the Pleiades

Throwback Thursday ...

Demura Sensei's Black Belt Instructors
Shito-Ryu, Karate-Do, Genbu-Kai International
Costa Mesa, CA   

I have mentioned, but will repeat that I am appreciatively a member of the terrific Nomura Family. I had asked for that honor, since I taught 11 Nomuras in my 32 years of teaching Karate-do.

My reason for mentioning this, I was just texting with Megan who with Ryan, had this adorable baby boy, Ronin, eight months ago ...

Miss Megan 2nd from right front row, brother Brandon right, front row.

It seems I was just at his baby shower, but then I remember when his grandmother, Jean, had Megan in her tummy! So I have known his Mommy her whole life, and now get to watch Ronin & family.


A 1+  minute video,  Persistent Woodpecker,  here
Just because ...
European Goldfinch



Thursday's Smiles ...  








elenor said...

Jacki, it's a real gift that I can be sure to find an interesting and great blog each day, week by week, year by year. That's so amazing and I'm totally in awe of your work for us.
Thank you Jacki, God bless you.

john said...

Isn’t amazing what color does to a composition? :-)

jacki long said...

Thank you dear Elenor, you kind words fuel me for another day and more.

jacki long said...

Thank you, John, yes I think we crave color. War is dark, but I am using color as the fight for color?