Saturday, May 11, 2024

Day 4276: Vulnerability, and Trust.


"Courage": junk collage, photo, digital.




Want music?



Click : Michael Jackson, You Are Not Alone.




The dictionary says it's a noun, not a verb? "the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally."

I guess we all start out ultimately vulnerable? Completely, ultimately vulnerable. Scary to imagine? Yet, if we survive it is because we are cared for. Love seems to make the difference. We've all read accounts of an animal raising an animal of another species, maybe because it is vulnerable, or love? Or both?

I hadn't considered it, until I watched the little 2 minute video below, but old birds no longer fly and there are no nursing homes for them. So the younger birds, of any species feed them. That's a great message for human beings. Even when they seem to be grouchy, the provider, provides.

On the same theme, as babies and children we have no choice but to be vulnerable, but eventually many become cautious until they can trust. So trust is often just as important as we mature. Sometimes this trust is broken, and the repair necessary, depending on the break may or may not be accomplished.  


A 2  minute video, Young >older birds,  here
Just because ...



Saturday's Smiles ...  









Anonymous said...

Wow 👌 👏..excellent "point of view" blog on the human condition of being it relates to this existence..Powerful " J' thank you...K

elenor said...

What a touching video, Jacki!
I don't know exactly why I missed yesterday blog. Sorry, Jacki. I read it today and was happy to see you with your dear friend.
Wishing you a beautiful Sunday.

jacki long said...

Thanks you Anonymous, I am not so wise, but sometime a bit sneaks out?
I need more than one initial??

jacki long said...

Thank you Elenor, you are always so giving of your time, it is not required, but is greatly appreciated. You are the best!