Friday, May 3, 2024

Day 4268: The Kitten Whisperer, and a cookie.

"Monkey Mind": junk mail collage


Want music?



Click : Sly & Family Stone, Family Affair





The Kitten Whisperer (a repost)

As Robert Brantley was driving down the backroads of northeast Louisiana on Tuesday (2022), something caught his eye. The professional shooter was going about 40 miles an hour as he headed toward the shooting range, but he thought he had seen a kitten on the side of the road.

He wasn't sure though, so he turned his car around and went back to find out. In a video that he posted to Instagram, Brantley walks toward a single white and gray tabby kitten. "Look — kitty, kitty," Brantley calls toward the kitten. Then "Oh, no, there's a whole — oh, my gosh! I can't take y'all. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh, there's more! We got a kitten problem," Brantley exclaims in his initial video. "Who would do this? I thought I was saving one. Hot diggity dog." Video, here.

Needless to say, Brantley had his hands full and did not make it to the range that day. "I was not prepared for the 13 kittens," he told NPR. "I was just blown away."

The 37-year-old said it was a wave of emotions as he realized someone had likely dumped the kittens on the side of the road at an age when they couldn't fend for themselves. Then he started the notably difficult task of herding the cats into his Honda hatchback. 

"When I opened the door and started putting 'em in, they were jumping out. If I'd throw one in, three would run out," he said. "But they would stay around my ankles on the ground. So I finally rolled down the windows, shut a door and started putting them inside where they couldn't get out." Brantley then headed home with his baker's dozen of kittens. The initial video gained a lot of traction on social media, and Brantley said thousands of offers for adoption started pouring in from all around the U.S. and elsewhere in the world.

At this time, most of the litter is spoken for, with the exception of a couple of kittens that need a little extra attention, and a veterinarian is scheduled to stop by Thursday night to help out.

That compassion and the generosity of people around the world wanting to help are what Brantley wants people to take away from his story.

A cookie in the oven?

Now about that cookie!
When daughter, young WonderWoman was growing up ...
at various times of her discontent ... I would reply ...
"You're a cookie in the oven ...
you're not done yet!"
Though it didn't solve the problem, it did make sense.
And, over the years of teaching,
I repeated this phrase to various students.
Then as my grandsons were growing up,
it was spoken at just the right times.
 I've observed various aged people frustrated,
and though I didn't say it, I did think it.
Now you may be wondering, 
like my youngest Grandhunk who at age 8, once asked ... 
"Well how about you Grandma, are you done yet?"
I had to think, then I said ...
"not quite, but I'm pretty crispy around the edges."


A 4  minute video, Ladybug,  here
Just because ...
Blue Rock Thrush



Friday's Smiles ... 










elenor said...

Loved your cookie story, Jacki! I think it's good not to be done at our age. It might mean we can still get better at some point.
Wishing you a fine weekend, Jacki.
I'm lucky to meet my children and grandchildren this Sunday. We have to celebrate 3 birthdays.

jacki long said...