Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Day 4280: Nevada, CA and AZ!


"Spirits": junk collage, ink drawing, digital.



Want music?



Click : Chris Janson, You Can Buy Me A Boat.




"My heart is gonna explode, y'all! "I adopted 7 out of foster care ... 6 boys and 1 girl (who snuck in with her twin brother). Pic of my kids leaving the courtroom after the twins' adoption. Twins # 6 & 7 are siblings of #3 ... who I adopted years before, and then SURPRISE twins. Best thing I ever did!"  
Dawn Haddaway

On The Road Again ...

Tuesday Wonder Woman drove she and I to Lake Havasu, she needed to check on their house there. It's a two hour drive from their home in Henderson. Our drive put us in three states, Nevada, a tiny bit of California, and Arizona today.

I love to see images in the clouds.

It was 104 ' inHavasu at 1:30 pm.


Another fun day in 3 states. Home by 4:30 and 

Superman is cooking steaks! I haven't had a steak since my last trip.



A 4+  minute video, Medusa's Hat,  here
Just because ...



Wednesday's Smiles ...  







elenor said...

Jacki, I enjoyed all blogs I missed in the meantime. So many beautiful family pics. Thanks for sharing.
I spend a happy time here in Milano with my hubby, meeting my son everyday.

jacki long said...

Yes, I am sure you are having a wonderful time.
I have heard Milano is beautiful. I have friends that just left for Italy yesterday!

Irene said...

I 🩷 the WW and Jacki sticker you made.

jacki long said...

Thanks Irene, I thought the sticker would be appropriate, since she takes me along. ;o)