Friday, May 31, 2024

Day 4296: Estonia "Nest", and Studio reorganization?


"Uncertain" : junk mail collage.


Want music?



Click : Hall & Oates, Sara Smile 





A 5-Year-Old’s Drawing of a Bird Nest Became an Enormous Beacon of Light Above an Estonian Port

Soaring above Noblessner Port in Tallinn, Estonia, three enormous eggs rest inside a woven nest. The project of design studio Velvet in collaboration with UN-LIE, the glowing work perches atop a former mast and was inspired by a 5-year-old’s sketch.

Stina Onemar was aboard a ferry to Hiiumaa Island with her aunt when they were discussing a competition to install a public work at the site. “There was this post where Aunt Helen wanted to do something. I had an idea that there would be eggs and stuff,” she said, before quickly drawing the nest atop the mast. The suggestion stuck, and her aunt shared her niece’s sketch with her coworkers at Velvet, who loved the proposal.

Commissioned by Merko Ehitus Eesti, “Nest” features a trio of polyethylene eggs that sit in a bed of salvaged roof trim harvested from construction sites. Designers chose the materials to withstand both seaside and freezing Arctic weather, and over time, the metal will rust and form a patina that matches the revitalized mast.

Find more from Velvet on its website and Instagram.

I started re-organizing my studio. What a mess.

I had been toying with idea for a while now. I would come in and plan to start, but wait too long and save it for another day. When GH#2 was here Sunday, I was telling him some of my plans. He said, "that's too much for you, I'll come next weekend and we'll tackle it together."

So today I started on the smaller, less lifting jobs, moving stuff, sorting into container baskets, a lot of what you see in the above photos is reassigned and behaving for the moment. My table is cleared (pic2), my desk is 3/4 cleared (pic 1&2), so I did make some progress. I stopped at 2:30 and am back at it at a slower pace.;op I hope to take pictures after this weekend? 


A 7  minute video,  Mighty Mike,   here
Just because ...
Guira Cuckoo



Friday's Smiles ...  










elenor said...

Such a brilliant collage again, Jacki. I guess you made it before the desk was cleared (congratulations!)? Would you have found all the paper scraps you needed afterwards? That's always my problem that I don't find anything when I put things into a box. But I agree sometimes it simply must be done. And then one really feels relieved. How great you'll get help this weekend.
Happy weekend!

jacki long said...

Thanks, Elenor, you say the nicest things! That collage is an older one that I forgot and was pleased when I found it. I did do a collage during that mess though, seeing yummy papers, it's hard to resist! Happy weekend!

john said...

Such depth. :-). Would you come organize my studio? :-0

jacki long said...

Thanks John! If you saw mine I don't think you would ask? But I am giving myself credit for the effort, right?