Thursday, December 28, 2023

Day 4140: Graduate and Santa Sensei



"Nativity:  collage, acrylic, digital



Want music?

    Click here: Corine Bailey Rae, Put Your Record On



Thousands of graduates will take the stage at the University of North Texas this weekend to celebrate earning their degrees.

One of them completed a master's program at 90 years old. "My grandson will accompany me across the stage," said Minnie Payne, who's graduating with her master's in interdisciplinary studies 73 years after she graduated from high school.

"Of course it's a long story," she said. "My mother and father were uneducated textile workers. We were poor." Payne was able to attend one year at a junior college before she started working. Marriage and kids followed, and decades went by.

"I always wanted to improve myself," Payne said. "When I retired at age 68, I wasn't doing anything constructive, and it's my philosophy to constantly be doing something constructive."Doing coursework alongside students decades younger than her didn't phase Payne one bit.

"I was 73 when I earned my undergraduate," she said. "They treated my like I was one of them. They treated me with respect, and I respected them." Payne is now the oldest person to ever earn a master's degree at UNT, and she plans to put what she's learned into practice.

"Now that I've accomplished it, it seems sort of surreal," she said. Payne recently got a new job working at a magazine in Houston. "It's my intention to continue working as long as I am physically and mentally able to do it," said Payne.

* I will be posting earlier than the 12:03 am that I have used for past 11+ years. I will post late afternoon or early evening. Before, I had to send the e-mail notification after 12:03 am, so I could get the link. By moving my post time earlier I may get to bed as an 82 year old should?

Throwback Thursday

Demura Sensei sent his best wishes for Happy Holidays and I am pretty sure he send them still. He liked this photo.


A 2+ minute video, Notre Dame Rooster,  here.
Just because ...



Thursday's Smiles ...  









Branmuffin said...

So Jacki, did you get your laptop fixed?

john said...

Yeah, Jacki is back. :-)

elenor said...

We all are happy Jacki is back, aren't we?
Happy weekend, Jacki!

jacki long said...

Thanks, Brandon, Well enough that I can work on the blog. They fixed the two major parts, but in the process things got lost? They said it's in mt time machine?

jacki long said...

Thank you, John, I was without my laptop for three days and it felt like missing an arm or leg! ;o)

jacki long said...

Thank you Elenor, it's good to be back.

Anonymous said...

Love your funnies😂 Thanks for sharing!

jacki long said...

Dear Anonymous, you are so very welcome.