Sunday, December 10, 2023

Day 4129 - Cherokee doll and a MRI.

torn apart - junk mail collage


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    Click here: Billy Preston, Round in Circles.



A new Barbie doll honors Cherokee Chief Wilma Mankiller.

Mattel released a Barbie doll in November commemorating Cherokee Nation leader Wilma Mankiller as part of its "Inspiring Women" series.
Wilma Mankiller has many accomplishments to her name — the first female principal chief of the Cherokee Nation, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, a US quarter in her likeness, to name a few. Now, the late Cherokee leader and activist also boasts a Barbie doll in her honor.
Mankiller, the first female principal chief of the Cherokee Nation, served as tribe leader from 1985 to 1995. 
Toy company Mattel released a Wilma Mankiller Barbie last month as part of its “Inspiring Women” series, commemorating her lifelong advocacy for Native and women’s rights. Some Cherokee people see a missed opportunity. see story.
Basket weaving is one of the most well-known Cherokee handicrafts. Some in the Nation criticized Mattel for not featuring Cherokee patterns in the basket included with the Wilma Mankiller Barbie.

see entire story and pictures, here

I had a MRI of my brain Saturday.
I have had 4 before, 2 hips in 2000 and 2004 and 2 shoulders in 2021. They give ear plugs and even then, it is so loud. Once you lay down, they fit a box around you head, then add pads and a window on top. My session was to take 12 minutes once in the tunnel. They give you a kill switch to hold, in case you need to stop. Then it starts, and because I am a counter, I tried to count the number of sounds and how many of each. I counted 21 different sounds, with ten sets of ten, and ten noises in each set. A lot. The sounds were like knocking on the door, shrill sound, pounding on the door, a drilling, a swishing, a boom, a hammering, a bigger boom etc. you get the idea. I heard a man's voice at the end, but with the ear plugs I couldn't make it out. When I got upright, I asked about the voice and he said it was him saying we were done.  


A 1 minute video, Baby elephant rescue, here.
Just because ...
White-faced Scops Owl


Sunday's Smiles ...






Anonymous said...

Jacki, I'm so sorry I won't get to see you! Now, I'm very worried And concerned about you . Since I'm so nosy, I want to know what's the MRI about????

Anonymous said...

I want the full enchilada, jeri

Anonymous said...

I just wrote I was concerned about the MRI, jeri

elenor said...

Sending you love and all the best wishes, Jacki.
Take good care and stay safe.

jacki long said...

how do i send to anonymous, no name or address. i need help.

Anonymous said...

john said...

I could not leave a comment for some reason on the next blog entry. Great color choices on this piece.. :-)

jacki long said...

Thanks Anonymous Jeri, I am fine, just the very thorough doctor running me through a lot of tests.

jacki long said...

Thanks, John. I know that sometimes the comment part is difficult?