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"The land": junk mail collage. |
2GN2S ...
Historybook: Chinese philosopher Confucius born (551 BCE); Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin (1928); Ted Williams is last major league baseball player to bat over .400 (1941); Jazz legend Miles Davis dies (1991); American tennis great and color barrier breaker Althea Gibson dies (2003).
At a time when racism and prejudice were widespread in sports and in society, Gibson was often compared to Jackie Robinson. "Her road to success was a challenging one", said Billie Jean King, "but I never saw her back down." "To anyone, she was an inspiration, because of what she was able to do at a time when it was enormously difficult to play tennis at all if you were Black", said former New York City Mayor David Dinkins. "I am honored to have followed in such great footsteps", wrote Venus Williams. "Her accomplishments set the stage for my success, and through players like myself and Serena and many others to come, her legacy will live on.
"No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helped you."
- Althea Gibson
The wonderment of 17 months.
Today was an ordinary day that included karate class in 90' no a/c, Grandhunk #1 stopping by to surprise me, and a 3pm Dr. appointment. That is where the magic happened. Not the getting on a merciless scale, or the flu shot etc. But in the lobby, a cute little Mom, with her hair piled high on her head, and hands on her hips, stood looking at something I couldn't see. Pretty soon the cutest little boy took his time walking gingerly, enjoying all the attention. He was tiny, I am guessing less than two feel tall, but clearly enjoying life. That would have been it, as I had to get to my appointment.

But luck was with me, when I went to the pharmacy, Mom and son were there. I couldn't get enough of watching him. A normal sized man passed him and he looked up as if looking at the Eiffel tower. The man missed it. We do that when we are in a hurry or in our own thoughts. The Mom stood behind me in line. She had her eyes on him all the time, but to her credit, let him explore the tiny space. I think I said adorable, then asked his age. Mom said 17 months. I think I said something like, "he's exploring his new world." She nodded. I didn't ask his name, or if I could take a picture. I was caught up in seeing his delight at seeing people, but really just everything, all the time with the biggest smile.
Thanks for coming by today
I knew your piece was a landscape immediately. :-)
Thanks, John. From 4 pieces to so many pieces.
During the first years of our live everything is new and an adventure - each and every day. I remember my older son never wanted to sleep - he simply had no time because he didn't want to miss anything. With time we get experienced and some things are repeating and get less interesting. So being curious and doing and learning new things is the key to stay young and happy.
I can imagine how much you enjoyed seeing this 17 month old boy, Jacki.
Thanks, Elenor. Yes I really did. He was so cute and so happy.
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