Sunday, January 15, 2023

Day 3801: Concept cars and Jianna.



"Stalwart": ink drawing, watercolor, collage.


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2GN2S ...

For Real?

Our favorites this week

The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas was this week, and it's always a technicolor potpourri of amazing, outlandish, just-this-side-of-dystopian gadgets. This year featured a lot of cool concept cars, like the BMW iVision Dee, which can change color. The car has 260 e-panels that can produce up to 32 hues. During a demo, different parts of the car, including the wheel covers, flashed in varying rainbow swirls. Then, there was Honda and Sony's Afeela car, which can not only sense your mood (maybe not the best thing for morning commutes) but can "express itself" and share information on its exterior. I've always thought it would be nice to have a "polite" version of a horn, to use when you're not really mad or in a dire situation. Just a friendly little "honk" when someone takes a second too long at a traffic stop. Horns are so stressful! Surely, if we can get color-changing cars, we can get some improvement on that.

One of the great things about teaching for so many years, is that many of the students and student's families become like family. Today Jianna visited. 

She was my student since age7.



and today, she wanted to look at some artwork.


Jianna was a junior red belt, adult green belt later earning her black belt from Demura Sensei with guidance from Costa Mesa Dojo Instructor, Roy Center. She is an honor graduate student at CSLB, a research assistant, intern and a Starbuck's Coffee Master. I am so glad to still be in touch. 

Hey world, here comes Jianna

A 5-minute video, flapjack octopushere.

Just because ...
Crimson-rumped Toucanet


Smiles for Sunday ...




                             Thanks for coming by today






Carol Florek said...

Wow! What a joy this is, seeing Jianna featured in your blog! She’s admired & loved you since the age of six, and she continues to reflect on your teachings in all that she does. Thank you, Jacki! Senpai, friend, and family to us all. ❤️

jacki long said...

Oh thanks Carol, I didn't know you read the blog. Yes, it is y pleasure to feature Jianna. It was cute to see her in my big chair so comfortable. I should have got a picture of that!

elenor said...

Jianna looks so lovable and pretty. Hearing from students after they left school is the best gift a teacher can get.
Have a good start into the new week, Jacki.

john said...

Love the Ottoman Empire cartoon. :-). You have done it again, Jacki. Today’s piece is lovely. I look each day at techniques and am in love with what you did here. :-0