Saturday, July 1, 2023

Day 3974: Image and Sorority



"Hostility": acrylic, collage, digital.


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A very powerful image

Photo: Nikodem Nijaki

During WWII, Jews in Budapest were brought to the edge of the Danube, ordered to remove their shoes, and shot, falling into the water below. 

60 pairs of iron shoes now line the river's bank, a ghostly memorial to the victims. 'Shoes on the Danube Promenade' by
Can Togay and Gyula Pauer.

 * I got to see the shoes personally on a trip as a coach with the USA Jr. Team competing at World Karate Jr.Championship in Budapest, 1990. We took the kids on an evening tour, since we had no free daytime. I can still remember the eerie feeling standing there with the shoes by the Danube by moonlight.


I wrote a letter to the Recruitment Chair of my university sorority. I was recommending a lovely young women, with perfect transcript, plenty of leadership and community service etc. I asked for strong consideration during the upcoming rush season. She would be a wonderful asset to any sorority.
I mention this because it all seems 100 years ago? In the process, I had to verify my sorority chapter, address, year of initiation. I had to sweep some brain cobwebs aside, but I got it. Then I was remembering going to an out of state university, not knowing one soul. I tried out for the women's softball team, but my skills weren't good enough. Then I tried out for cheerleader and though I was one in high school, again, I wasn't good enough. When I think back, I am amazed that I had the nerve to even try out? And I think I was really brave then, now not so much. So when some sororities wanted me, it was like finding my tribe.

An 8 minute video, Art+  here.

Just because ...
Crested Guineafowl

Saturday's Smiles ...


                             Thanks for coming by today ...






john said...

Oh, I like everything about this piece. It is warming. :-)

jacki long said...

Thanks, John. I hope you had a great birthday and wishing a safe, fun 4th of July.