Thursday, September 12, 2024

Day 4400: What Did I See Today? TBT, and TMI Update,.


"Diminishing Returns": collage, ink, digital.





Want music?


Click : Hall and Oates, Sara Smile.





As I was driving to my Opthamalogist appointment, at a stop sign, an elderly (younger than me) gentleman walked his big yellow Retriever in the crossing.  I noticed the dog had one big wheel for his back legs which didn't touch the ground. It seemed a good solution and both seemed satisfied and used  it well. It was 8:30 am but there was a lot of traffic, moving inching up to the next light.  
So when my car got to the next corner, so did this pair, but now the dog's long tail was wagging near full speed. He saw that they were approaching two men, one with two dogs, the other with just one, but that was enough to make the Retriever very happy. He was going to be at social hour. As I drove away I looked in the rear view mirror and the men were smiling and talking, the dogs were sniffing and tails were wagging. Nice start to a day, and just a short observation.

Throwback Thursday ...

After Class with Demura Sensei

Honbu Dojo, Santa Ana, CA  1985

Evidently last Wednesday when I had my contacts in as usual, the left eye got scratchy and seemed irritated, so I removed both lenses and put on glasses. I then noticed the left eye contact had the tiniest cut through the lens, so I threw it out. I hadn't put "2 & 2" together yet. I wore glasses all day. Thursday everything seemed better so I wore contacts, and as the day went on, the left eye began to feel scratchy, and again I changed into glasses, Sunday I wore glasses and was watching the men's US Open final when I noticed that my left eye was closed and I had been viewing with just the right. I took off the glasses and covered my right eye and found that I couldn't see out of the left. Actually I could make out some shapes but it hurt to try. I called Kaiser, and thought they might send me to Urgent Care since it was the weekend. But when I described the left eye, he transferred me to a RN who asked some question and said I should go to Emergency right away. She asked if I had someone to drive me, and I explained that I live alone, but I could drive myself. She said no, I would need to be driven.

I sent a text to Jake (GH#2) to call me, He did immediately and was soon at my house and we were on the way to Sand Canyon Hospital ER. We had anticipated a long wait and we were right, but not because they were busy. It was a ghost town. We were given a room and finally saw "nurse Jackie" after 75 minutes. 

GH#2, Jake went over and put on gloves! I asked what he was doing? He said so he could "be ready to help". I said "they are going to think you are nuts" and he said, "I am". I told him stories about his Mom, when young, and how she used to make the most out of doctor wait time too. Luckily Nurse Jackie thought he was funny, as did the doctor 35 minutes later. Next a Rx @ $5 and ER visit @ $135 and we were on our way home with a scheduled Monday morning Opthamolgist appointment.

It wasn't all bad, we had so many laughs, when they tested my eyes, which were pitiful, Jake wanted to test his so the man did and said "Brother your eyes are bad". Jake said he knew, but he was waiting till November for enrollment.


A 6 minute video, Beloga,  here

Just because ...


Tuesday's Smiles ...  








Sam Zimmerman said...

As an employee of an eye clinic, I tell all my loved ones that if there's something off with your eye, call right away! I'm so glad you did <3 we see a lot of people who just "wait and see," but you just can't with some things! Better to be told you're perfectly fine by the doctor right away instead of being told you have irreparable damage a month later!

elenor said...

Is your eye ok again, Jacki? I hope so.
How wonderful your GH#2 could help you and you spent some time together.
Take good care Jacki!

jacki long said...

Thanks Sam, I have a new respect for taking better car of my eyes. When they are healthy, I will have cataracts removed. Thanks for writing.

jacki long said...

Thanks Elenor, have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

prayers for youreyes Jacki. glad I stopped by. love you really big, jeri