Monday, September 16, 2024

Day 4404: Iberian Lynx, and Fly Solar-Powered?

"Cover-up": junk collage, acrylics, ink.




Want music?


Click : Foundations, Build Me Up, Buttercup





Iberian Lynx


The Iberian lynx has come back from the brink of extinction after decades of conservation work and new technology could ensure that Spain's lynx population has a long future.


Habitat loss, a decline in food sources and road accidents were the lynx's biggest obstacles. Then, the European Union and the Spanish government funded a hefty project to restore habitats and prey.


But the Iberian lynx remains threatened. To protect the cats from becoming roadkill on busy highways, conservationists are installing virtual fences equipped with sensors that use sound and light alarms. And in the future, scientists may engineer scent corridors that create artificial trails to connect different lynx populations.



A 2+ minute video, Burger,  here

Just because ...
Northern Cardinal



Monday's Smiles ...  









elenor said...

Your stories were interesting again, Jacki. But I also loved the last smile. Especially in a world with so many problems it's a gift to find beauty. And finding beauty means for me finding hope.

jacki long said...

Thank you, dear Elenor. Yes I agree, there's a saying that the little things are often the big things? Have a great week, dear friend.