Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Day 4405: Do You Love Me?, Surgery, and Dreams.

"Undercover": junk collage


Want music?


Click : Turtles, Happy Together.




Do You Love Me?

Do you love Me? Alice asked.
No, I don't love you! replied the White Rabbit.
Alice frowned and clasped her hands together as she did whenever she felt hurt.
See? replied the White Rabbit.
Now you're going to start asking yourself what makes you so imperfect and what did you do wrong so that I can't love you at least a little.
You know, that's why I can't love you.
You will not always be loved Alice, there will be days when others will be tired and bored with life, will have their heads in the clouds, and will hurt you.
Because people are like that, they somehow always end up hurting each other's feelings, whether through carelessness, misunderstanding, or conflicts with themselves.
If you don't love yourself, at least a little, if you don't create an armor of self-love and happiness around your heart, the feeble annoyances caused by others will become lethal and will destroy you.
The first time I saw you I made a pact with myself: "I will avoid loving you until you learn to love yourself."

From ‘Alice in Wonderland’

My cataract surgery (both eyes) is set for Thursday, October 3, 2024 in Laguna Hills with Dr.Bazzaz (sounds like a showgirl, right?)

WonderWoman is driving in on the 2nd to take me in for the 10 minute surgery. I am excited, as at present I can't read, even with my prescription glasses. I have been wearing contacts for at least 20 years but am now not allowed. In doing this blog, I regularly have to use a magnifying glass. ;op  I have heard it is like having new eyes and I am ready for that.


Do you remember your dreams? For me, they usually evaporate as I wake up. This morning I was having a great dream! I was painting and collaging having a great, euphoric time, where everything is going so well. That's how you know it was a dream. And, as I became aware of starting to wake, I froze, not wanting to wake up and lose it.  I was suddenly aware of my body position, semi-prenatal, with one arm around my head? I know I was working with a rich shade of green (not a go-to color, usually). I had several big canvases in progress, and I cut some and adhered to others without even questioning if it was a good idea. Everything worked. "Cut and cover"  what I called it. I felt like I had found something new to me, it was exciting. But. I could feel it going away. I remember saying to myself, don't move, don't wake up, but I did.

A 3+ minute video, Sheep,  here


Just because ...
Pine Grosbeak



Tuesday's Smiles ...  








elenor said...

Jacki, you'll see everything will be alright after surgery. I already had it 4 or 5 years ago, first one eye and a week later the second eye. First thing that was so amazing was that it wasn't hurting, not a tiny bit. Second thing was that I could compare the colors I could see with the "old" eye and the "new" eye. The new colors were bright and shiny as in a newly restored painting. When I imagine some decades earlier I would've lost eyesight by time I'm more than grateful to live today.
You are so brave doing your blog despite the difficulties with your eyes. Thank you, Jacki for doing all this for us.

jacki long said...

Thank you, Elenor, I am looking forward to the surgery and being able to see well and read. Can't come fast enough! ;o)